A Quote by Mark Goddard

They always say it is better to have loved and lost and all that, so no I don't think I have any regrets, and I have always been there for all of my kids no matter what.
After you have a big game, you can't just say, 'That's it, I've arrived,' by any means. I'm always pushing it to be better. You always want to be better than you are, no matter what. I think that's important.
You are a long time retired. I don't want to sit there when that happens and think, 'Oh, I wish I had done that better'. I just think everything I can do, that is always the way that I have been. I don't want to have any regrets.
I would say my theme has always been paradise lost, always the lost cause, the lost leader, the lost utopia.
People always think that when they grew up it was better. The people who went to Studio 54 say, "Oh, this is nothing!" or "The Limelight is nothing. In our day it was much better." But I mean, it's always great. It's always fresh to the kids. And to me, you've just got to make it happen. You can't be a downer and say, "This is nothing like the roaring 20s."
Why is it any more reasonable to believe that God has always been than it is to say that matter has always been?
What I say is what I say, I don't always say the right thing, I don't always say the politically correct thing. I don't have any regrets about that.
I've always loved horror, I've always loved collecting, I've always loved weird and macabre things, and I've always loved conventions. So what could be better than having your own Fear FestEviL where all those great and crazy things can be enjoyed by like-minded people under one pretty cool roof? Nothing!
I've always been committed to tuning out the trends of drag and doing styles and fashions and performances that are really true to what I love, to the movie references I've always loved, fashion that speaks to me for whatever reason - no matter what people say.
Home has always been wherever I am. I'm not very attached to walls - or people, for that matter - so I've always loved travelling around. A book in my back pocket, a diary, and a pen is all I need to call any place home.
Humility in this business [acting] isn't just a matter of being polite, it's kind of a matter of survival. You can't ever afford to think that you're the bee's knees, because you could always afford to be better. You have to always be searching for something better.
I think the world is always improving and always not improving. I think that both are simultaneously happening all the time. I don't think it's one motion unfortunately - I wish we could say it's better, better, better - but I think it's better, bad, better, bad - you know?
I always say that things are meant to be and everything happens for a reason, so I don't have any regrets.
Rant Casey used to say, "No matter what happens, it's always now..." Talk about cryptic. I think what Rant meant was, we live in the present moment of reality, and no matter what's come before, no matter how much we loved a person or a dog, when it attacks us we'll react to that moment of danger.
When we say 'Black Lives Matter,' we're not saying that any other life doesn't matter. That has never, ever been our message. Our message has always been from a place of love.
If I have any regrets, I could say that I'm sorry I wasn't a better writer or a better singer.
We've always been fans of a good mystery; we think all kids are, and there weren't any good mysteries out there these days for kids, so that's why we decided to do them.
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