A Quote by Mark Walport

A computer, by definition, cannot be held accountable for anything because there is no mechanism to hold it to account, short of turning off the electricity supply or destroying the hardware. Only humans can be accountable.
This president has been reluctant to hold anybody accountable. No one was held accountable after September the 11th. Nobody's been held accountable after the clear flaws in intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq.
Do not listen to the rhetoric from campaigns, but rather, hold everyone of us accountable, hold me accountable and every other candidate accountable to be a consistent conservative.
I'm all for holding each other accountable, but it feels as if we're hurling toward a society of finger-pointers, because we don't hold ourselves accountable for anything.
Hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable.
You cannot hold a child accountable to the same standards that you hold an adult accountable to.
You can't hold firewalls and intrusion detection systems accountable. You can only hold people accountable.
We as the American people have to hold ourselves accountable because we didn't hold our government accountable.
And they've got to be held accountable; our broadcasting system has to be made accountable; and unless it is, it's going to be very hard to change anything else for the better in this country.
I am accountable for all the actions at my laboratory. I am accountable for all of the policies and procedures of security systems, and I am accountable for the training of the individuals working in the lab. We can't excuse them if they ignore these policies, if they are negligent, we have to hold them accountable as well.
Many climbers use the term 'objective hazard; to denote something they aren't to be held accountable for. I held myself accountable for the mistakes I made over the years.
If we hold the married man accountable for finances gone legally awry, then the married woman should be held accountable for children who go awry.
Under the United States Constitution, the federal government has no authority to hold states "accountable" for their education performance...In the free society envisioned by the founders, schools are held accountable to parents, not federal bureaucrats.
It's hard for me to come up with a plan and hold my players accountable until I self-evaluate and hold myself accountable.
The evidence is there and it is clear. We want the people to be held accountable. Everybody who played a role in the death of Martin Anderson, we want them to be held accountable.
I get so ticked off at you intellectually lazy people who think that the government is God, that every dollar they get or spend is somehow sacred. There is more fraud and waste and misuse. If the federal government were held accountable to the law as corporations are held accountable, half the federal government would be in prison.
It is rare for people to say they want to be held accountable, but in reality, everyone wants everyone else to be held accountable.
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