A Quote by Marshall Faulk

Knowledge relaxes me. Football is all about playing faster. You play faster when you know more. — © Marshall Faulk
Knowledge relaxes me. Football is all about playing faster. You play faster when you know more.
Well, hardcore is so much about the body, in that you have to play as fast as possible. I'm not sure it can be ironized. You can't play faster, though I suppose that with the help of electronics you could play faster. Yeah, if you sped it up, that could ironize it.
I feel like German football is a lot more aggressive and faster. I've never played in the Premier League, so I couldn't say what it was like. But going from youth football, I would say it's a lot faster and lot more physical.
Simple messages travel faster, simpler designs reach the market faster and the elimination of clutter allows faster decision making.
China has great potentials; the people are hard-working and focused. But they have to close the gap as far as the pace of the game is concerned. Football in the future will get faster and faster.
You never know if there is anyone faster than me, but I know my speed and most of the time I use it for good, but I don't know if there is anyone faster.
I have no opposition at all to technology. I think technology is a wonderful thing that has to be used thoughtfully, and we can't just assume that every bit of new technology improvesthe quality of life; it's really in how the technology is used. What I am very disturbed about is this trend of everything happening faster and faster and faster and there being more and more general noise in the world, and less and less time for quiet reflection on who we are, and where we're going.
My life feels like a book left out on the porch, and the wind blows the pages faster and faster, turning always toward a new chapter faster than I can stop to read it.
Social media puts reciprocity on steroids because now you can reach more people in more ways to do more things for them faster and at lower expense. Positive word about your reciprocity can spread faster than ever.
I think that football has changed, it has become more complex. For example, it's faster, you have less free space, and you have to play from such small spaces.
I want to live faster, faster, faster! ... I fear that this desire to live always at high pressure is the presage of a short existence. Who knows?
Knowledge grows exponentially. The more we know, the greater our ability to learn, and the faster we expand our knowledge base.
What I think is about running faster and faster, and I believe that will translate into medals.
Korean people, including me, want to go faster and faster - in music, in fashion, in art, too.
When religion and politics travel in the same cart, the riders believe nothing can stand in their way. Their movements become headlong - faster and faster and faster. They put aside all thoughts of obstacles and forget the precipice does not show itself to the man in a blind rush until it's to late.
You have a divine right to choose whom you will play with and under what circumstances. By eliminating any energy drag, the positive good things in your life will resonate faster and faster.
I'm a natural piano player. So all the practicing I do at this point is in my head. If I don't play for a year, my chops aren't going to get any worse. I've spent my time playing scales, and I don't necessarily want to play any faster than I play. So everything I do at this point is more philosophical.
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