A Quote by Marshall Fritz

When power replaces truth as the goal, assertion replaces reason as the path — © Marshall Fritz
When power replaces truth as the goal, assertion replaces reason as the path

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Once socialism replaces capitalism, reason will determine the policies of states.
When the wisdom of the heart replaces the chatter of the mind, The power of Love flows forth.
Cheap grace replaces truth with tolerance, lowering the bar so everyone can jump over it and we can all feel good about ourselves.
We can have reunification if another power replaces Kim Jong Un. I don't know who it could be, but I hope and I believe another power, another person will be better.
When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes.
Which is superior, the Constitution or Sharia law? In Sharia law by their teachings is superior to everything else, it replaces everything else, it replaces the Constitution itself. So, you can`t be assimilated into the American civilization and accept Sharia law as being superior to our Constitution. It`s antithetical to Americanism.
A joyful life isn’t about others; it’s about the brightness that is associated with being alive. Your path to it is through anything that replaces thinking with pure flight, pure joy.
Science is a truth that is true no matter what, no matter when and for all time and science as the kind of gospel truth replaces the gospel, which was religion.
Propaganda replaces moral philosophy.
Nothing replaces hard work.
Faith is what replaces doubt in my dictionary.
Rock music is quite big in India - but it mostly just replaces all the intricacies of Indian rhythms and Indian melody with lumpen rock drumming and power chords.
When fear replaces faith, remember prayer.
As one gets older, litigation replaces sex.
Understanding replaces imaginary fears with real ones.
The game replaces sexual enjoyment by pleasure in movement.
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