A Quote by Martha Beck

A true leader is not someone who feels fully informed but someone who continuously receives insight and guidance. — © Martha Beck
A true leader is not someone who feels fully informed but someone who continuously receives insight and guidance.
Signs usually come in threes. The same book is recommended to you several times within the space of a day, for example. You overhear someone mention the same company three times in a week. Or, you get the same feeling again and again. Notice your feelings. Again, true divine guidance feels safe, even if it does feel intimidating. False guidance feels edgy, shaky - like you're sneaking under the wire. It doesn't feel right.
If someone fires a gun in a movie, it should always be a big deal. I don't like movies where someone shoots at someone else but they just run away and manage to dodge the bullet. Or people are all firing at each other continuously for 10 minutes.
In a girl I look for honesty above all, someone who I can carry on a conversation with, someone who has a good sense of humor, someone who's true to herself, and to top it, someone who can get ready for a date in less than ten minutes.
The six people you must find today... Someone to love. Someone to thank. Someone to be grateful for. Someone to forgive Someone to forget Someone to admire.
A leader is not someone who says: Follow me.......A leader is someone who says: I'll go first.
I definitely don't want someone who's controlling. I don't want someone who feels like they can skirt around being supportive. To me, a partner is someone who has your back no matter what.
A leader is someone who has the courage to say publicly what everybody else is whispering privately. It is not his insight that sets the leader apart from the crowd. It is his courage to act and speak up when everyone else is silent....are those who would rather challenge what needs to change and pay the price than remain silent and die on the inside.
They say true love only comes around once and you have to hold out and be strong until then. I have been waiting. I have been searching. I am a man under the moon, walking the streets of earth until dawn. There's got to be someone for me. It's not too much to ask. Just someone to be with. Someone to love. Someone to give everything to. Someone.
I feel Teddy Bridgewater is an accurate passer. He's a leader who wants to make everyone else around him better. Someone who's a hard worker, someone who smart with the football and takes care of the football. Someone who competes at a high level on a consistent basis.
If someone gives you a piece of advice that sounds right and feels right, use it. If someone gives you a piece of advice that sounds right and feels wrong, don’t waste so much as a single second on it. It may be fine for someone else, but not for you.
One of the things I think we're learning to do as the twelfth insight emerges is to be discerning without being judgmental, because condemning someone certainly feels like a comic event that brings other things back on you.
The ideal guy for me is someone - it sounds cliche - but someone who's driven, someone who's passionate, someone who wants to be the best at what they do, someone that is intelligent.
There’s got to be someone for me. It’s not too much to ask. Just someone to be with. Someone to love. Someone to give everything to. Someone.
I'm not someone who feels the pressure of someone else's expectations. That's a very young way to feel.
Some things you never really fully understand unless you are actually black and you experience how it feels when someone treats you differently based on your skin colour.
A leader on the pitch is someone who can turn a game in the right direction, he isn't someone who has a go at his colleagues after the match for everything they did wrong.
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