A Quote by Marvin Gaye

For me, love carries the seeds of its own destruction. — © Marvin Gaye
For me, love carries the seeds of its own destruction.
Isolation, you know, carries the seeds of its own destruction because as times change, other things seep in.
Governments do not know what they cannot do until after they cease to be governments. Each government carries the seeds of its own destruction.
Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction.
Truth has within it the seeds of its own victory; Lies have within them the seeds of their own destruction.
Every civilization carries the seeds of its own destruction, and the same cycle shows in them all. The Republic is born, flourishes, decays into plutocracy, and is captured by the shoemaker whom the mercenaries and millionaires make into a king. The people invent their oppressors, and the oppressors serve the function for which they are invented.
Dull, inert cities, it is true, do contain the seeds of their own destruction and little else. But lively, diverse, intense cities contain the seeds of their own regeneration, with energy enough to carry over for problems and needs outside themselves.
I love studying Ancient History and seeing how empires rise and fall, sowing the seeds of their own destruction.
Theories of art carry the seeds of their own destruction.
No matter how corrupt the Church may become, it carries within it the seeds of its own regeneration.
More than any other beauty (though it is true of all beauty except in art) passion seems to me to have the seeds of its own destruction in it.
Every institution not only carries within it the seeds of its own dissolution, but prepares the way for its most hated rival.
What can be seeds of destruction can also be seeds of greatness.
You are the most dangerous kind of female the world can ever know. You carry the seeds for your own destruction and the destruction of everyone who loves you. And a great many will love you for your beautiful face for your seductive body; but you will fail them all because you will believe they all fail you first. You are an idealist of the worst kind - the romantic idealist. Born to destroy and self destruct.
Democracy, like the human organism, carries within it the seed of its own destruction.
A society composed of none but the wicked could not exist; it contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction, and without a flood, would be swept away from the earth by the deluge of its own iniquity.
The rule of the bourgeois democrats [in pre-federal Germany], from the very first, will carry within it the seeds of its own destruction
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