A Quote by Mary J. Blige

I don't have any health problems, but to keep your health improves your quality of life. — © Mary J. Blige
I don't have any health problems, but to keep your health improves your quality of life.
If you have health insurance, then you don't have to do anything. If you've got health insurance through your employer, you can keep your health insurance, keep your choice of doctor, keep your plan.
Improve your business, your life, your relationships, your finances and your health. When you do the whole world improves.
How is your health? I feel pretty good, and I'm very anxious to get the season going. I think we have a chance to have a good football team. I don't have any health problems. I don't know how any of the stuff gets started. . . . My health is very good.
In the long term, a robust health IT network will support personalized treatment that adheres to proven best practices, and adapts to your personal health circumstances. The time will come when, whatever illness you may have, for your body type and health history, there will 'be an app for that' to keep you on your best path to wellness.
Health is correlated with quality of life. If you get regular physical activity, have social connections, control your cholesterol, keep your blood pressure at a normal level, don't smoke - these things can make an enormous difference not only in how long you live, but how much you enjoy your life in those years.
You can have all the money in the world. You can be a multi-billionaire, but if you do not have your health it means nothing. Your health is the No. 1 important thing in your life.
Think health, talk health, visualize health and better health will be your reward.
You must watch the pictures that you paint with your imagination. Your environment and the conditions of your life at any given time are the direct result of your own inner expectations. If you imagine dire circumstances, ill health or desperate loneliness, these will be 'automatically' materialized, for these thoughts themselves bring about the conditions that will give them a reality in physical terms. If you would have good health then you must imagine this as vividly as you fearfully imagine ill health.
At a personal level, there's ample evidence that being aware of your emotions and generous to yourself improves your physical and mental health, as well as your relationships with others.
The most important thing in your life is your health and your body. You can have all the education and you can have millions of dollars in the bank, but if you've got headaches every day, if you're fat and you are out of shape - what good is your money? Your health account and your bank account, build them both up!
And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.
We now know that Mr. Obama lied to the American people with his pledge 'If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.'
It's going to start really interfering with your quality of life, your health, if you don't adjust to life as it's happening to you.
If standard of living is your major objective, quality of life almost never improves, but if quality of life is your number one objective, your standard of living almost always improves.
It's paradoxical that, when you have better health, families choose to have less children, because they've been having enough children so that they can be sure that a few of them will survive and take care of them. So as health improves, then all the other problems are dramatically easier to tackle.
The quickest and easiest way to improve your health and mood is by taking omega 3 supplements, in the form of fish oils or flaxseed. Add a good general multivitamin and mineral daily as well, as this will ensure that any trace deficiencies causing health or mood problems are addressed.
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