A Quote by Mary Wells Lawrence

The best advertising should make you nervous about what you're not buying. — © Mary Wells Lawrence
The best advertising should make you nervous about what you're not buying.
In writing advertising it must always be kept in mind that the customer often knows more about the goods than the advertising writers because they have had experience in buying them.
There are a lot of great technicians in advertising. And unfortunately they talk the best game. They know all the rules. They can tell you that people in an ad will get you greater readership. They can tell you that a sentence should be this short or that long. They can tell you that body copy should be broken up for easier reading. They can give you fact after fact after fact. They are the scientists of advertising. But there's one little rub. Advertising is fundamentally persuasion and persuasion happens to be not a science, but an art.
Advertising agencies don't care about a better world in the end. They are servants of their client: what the client wants is what they get. Their only problem is to not lose the budget. I think its a shame because advertising is so boring and it can be so interesting. They should ask more artists to make interesting campaigns.
I do think the best thing for companies like Google and Facebook, if they are afraid of this ethical trap of advertising, is they should start letting people pay who want to pay and avoid some of the advertising.
When I'm nervous, I know I care about something - you should be nervous about things that you want.
This Guy (Messi) is the Best Player in the World, no doubt about that. I think we're always nervous about calling people who are currently playing, who are young at 23, to say he's the Best Player ever. But we shouldn't be. We should admit what we are seeing in front of our eyes. This is a special talent, who may be is the Best Player ever been seen.
Advertising is poison gas. It should bring tears to your eyes, unhinge your nervous system and knock you out.
The more informative your advertising, the more persuasive it will be. Before people making a buying decision, they have many questions. For example, why they should buy from you, why your product is better than other similar products, why they should trust you, and why they should buy it now, etc.
... I think we should never underestimate the power of women's threats. If you have ever faced an angry group of women, you know that it makes one very nervous. How can we get groups of women to act in such ways as to make corporations nervous? I should like us to use this method sparingly; but it can be used.
Advertising holding companies used to boast about their share of the advertising market. Now they are proud of how much of their business is not in advertising.
What do they say about meeting a bear in the woods? Oh right, you shouldn't. And to make sure you don't, you should make a lot of noise so that they'll will know where you are and keep their distance because, supposedly, they're as nervous of us as we are of them. Which is all goo, except this bear doesn't seem the least bit nervous. He's giving me a look like I'm Goldilocks, ate his porridge, broke his chair, slept in his bed, and now it's payback time."- Widdershins
I was nervous about playing a lead part in a Working Title romantic comedy and I was also nervous about the fact that I not only had to take my clothes off, but get my willy out. There's certain things you can do to make yourself look better, but there's nothing you can do about your willy. Your willy is your willy and no amount of working out is going to make your willy look any different. You get what you're given. But I wanted to look my best and to whip myself into any semblance of handsomeness. And that was hard going.
The best thing about golf is ultimately what it teaches you about yourself. And the worst thing is how freakin' nervous it can make you feel.
I talk about reducing our dependence on foreign oil. If we're buying electricity from a solar-thermal plant in Tijuana, I'm not sure we should say that's evil. If we are buying wind power from Alberta, I don't have a huge objection to that.
I remember the days of auditioning and being nervous and so I really didn't want to make people have to jump through hoops to do auditions and be nervous and make them more nervous. I kind of wanted to hire everybody and find something for everybody.
I'm nervous about the prospects of an America that refuses to abide by its best conscience and its best lights and its best angels.
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