A Quote by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

marriage is usually considered the grave, and not the cradle of love. — © Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
marriage is usually considered the grave, and not the cradle of love.
Waste equals food, whether it's food for the earth, or for a closed industrial cycle. We manufacture products that go from cradle to grave. We want to manufacture them from cradle to cradle.
The left promises abortion rights and cradle to the grave protection, so the trick is to make it to the cradle.
All along this path I tread, my heart betrays my weary head, with nothing but my love to save, from the cradle to the grave.
[T]he cradle is shallower than the grave.
Ambition's cradle oftenest is its grave
The cradle of the future is the grave of the past.
Our motto is 'from cradle to grave.' Unwanted babies are delivered to us through our cradle programme, where we work to find new homes for them for parents desiring children. In addition to our healthcare programmes, we also have a programme for burying the dead, meeting all the necessary expenses for those who are unable to do so.
All that lies betwixt the cradle and the grave is uncertain.
Social care from cradle to grave is a huge concern for us all.
Beastly things, teeth. Give us trouble from the cradle to the grave.
We all have a cradle-to-the-grave journey to make and, in between, what do you do? There's got to be something hereafter.
Morality only is eternal. All the rest is balloon and bubble from the cradle to the grave.
From the cradle to the grave is a school, so if what we call problems are lessons, we see life differently.
In New Orleans, music is part of the culture. You're raised with it, from the cradle to the grave, and all in-between.
I am not against marriage -- I am for love. If love becomes your marriage, good; but don't hope that marriage can bring love. That is not possible. Love can become a marriage. You have to work very consciously to transform your love into a marriage. Ordinarily, people destroy their love. They do EVERYTHING to destroy it and then they suffer. And they go on saying, 'What went wrong?' They destroy -- they do everything to destroy it.
The nation guarantees the nurture, education, and comfortable maintenance of every citizen from the cradle to the grave.
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