A Quote by Mason Cooley

Preserving tradition has become a nice hobby, like stamp collecting. — © Mason Cooley
Preserving tradition has become a nice hobby, like stamp collecting.
My hobby first and foremost is collecting automobiles. I have a fairly nice, finished 6,500-square-foot structure that I call my garage.
Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby.
It's helpful for me to get ideas - the physical action of painting. Sometimes it frees up your writer brain. It's nice for me now that the writing has become a serious career that painting can become more like a hobby.
I am a Minnesotan, and not just because I root for the Vikings and the Twins. I like the Minnesota-nice sensibility. I like the liberal tradition; I like the Hubert Humphrey tradition fighting for civil rights.
All of science can be divided into physics and stamp-collecting.
All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
I'd love to maybe try writing. I don't know if I'd publish anything, but as a hobby, it's really nice. I bought a typewriter, and I really like to write on the typewriter sometimes. It's a fun little hobby.
In science there is only physics; all the rest is stamp collecting.
If you are searching to figure out what is true and what is not, you will have a sad life. It means you have too much time, and you should do a hobby - like collecting art.
My father said writing was a nice hobby. He strongly encouraged my brother and me to become doctors.
Collecting records is, for many, beyond a hobby.
It would be hard to conceive of any activity more useless than stamp collecting.
Bringing back stamp collecting and bringing back bridge seems like a pretty good way to fight the modern world.
If you're a film fan, collecting video is sort of like marijuana. Laser discs, they're definitely cocaine. Film prints are heroin, all right? You're shooting smack when you start collecting film prints. So, I kinda got into it in a big way, and I've got a pretty nice collection I'm real proud of.
In every revolution there intrude, at the side of its true agents, men of a different stamp; some of them survivors of and devotees to past revolutions, without insight into the present movement, but preserving popular influence by their known honesty and courage, or by the sheer force of tradition; others mere brawlers, who, by dint of repeating year after year the same set of stereotyped declamations against the government of the day, have sneaked into the reputation of revolutionists of the first water They are an unavoidable evil: with time they are shaken off.
Collecting shoes is my biggest hobby. I've got a couple hundred pairs of Nikes and Jordans. I got a lot of hats, too. I like to play basketball, but nothing competition wise.
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