A Quote by Mason Cooley

Many gloat over their own troubles. — © Mason Cooley
Many gloat over their own troubles.

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I don't like to sit back and gloat, because the world is fragile. Life is fragile, so I never really gloat.
In searching for a way out of my own troubles, I had found my way into the troubles of others, some long gone, and now I was trying to find my way back out, through their troubles, as if we human beings can ever learn from one another.
Restrain yourself... and gloat in silence. I'll have no jubilation here. It is an impious thing to exult over the slain.
People are disposed to mistake predicting troubles for causing troubles and even for desiring troubles.
It is women who love horror. Gloat over it. Feed on it. Are nourished by it. Shudder and cling and cry out-and come back for more.
What is the use of acquiring one's heart's desire if one cannot handle and gloat over it, show it to one's friends, and gather an anthology of envy and admiration?
But this I know: if all mankind were to take their troubles to market with the idea of exchanging them, anyone seeing what his neighbor's troubles were like would be glad to go home with his own.
In all trouble you should seek God. You should not set Him over against your troubles, but within them. God can only relieve your troubles if you in your anxiety cling to Him. Trouble should not really be thought of as this thing or that in particular, for our whole life on earth involves trouble; and through the troubles of our earthly pilgrimage we find God.
In anything fit to be called by the name of reading, the process itself should be absorbing and voluptuous; we should gloat over a book, be rapt clean out of ourselves.
The stronghold of the contemplation of Christ's glory affords the soul rest, for it will be made evident that our troubles grow on the root of an over-valuation of temporal things. The mind is its own greatest troubler.
I'm not going to be sitting on a stool with an acoustic guitar singing about my troubles anytime soon. I mean, I'm going to sing about my troubles but in an aggressive way. In my own way.
So many people don't have control over their destiny in a way that I do, don't own their own businesses, don't have their own clients. I owe it to them to speak freely.
I've heard there are troubles of more than one kind; some come from ahead, and some come from behind. But I've brought a big bat. I'm all ready, you see; now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
As children we hoard and gloat over words. Words give ownership: we name our world and we claim it...Children trust the power of words.
I just know of so many musicians who burn out because they go on tour and they have to play their one-hit song over and over and over and over again. And they are not moved by their own song. And then when you go and see them perform there's something off.
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