A Quote by Matt Barnes

I'll knock down the open jumper when it's there, but I want to get after it on the defensive end. — © Matt Barnes
I'll knock down the open jumper when it's there, but I want to get after it on the defensive end.
I knew well that the only way I could get that door open was to knock it down; because I knocked all of them down.
If it were my decision, I'd knock the Superdome down. If I couldn't knock it down, I'd just open the roof and gut the whole inside - totally modernize it. If you just dust it off and paint a little bit but don't reimage it, the legacy will be horrible.
I wanted a jumper. After all, in Shetland you are in the land of the Fair Isle sweater. But then everyone said to avoid that - Sarah Lund has cornered the jumper market.
The open side Defensive End has to be one of your best football players. Size does not matter as much. We want an athletic player who can move around.
[On being first black woman to earn a PhD in economics and first black woman admitted to Pennsylvania bar:] I never looked for anybody to hold the door open for me. I knew well that the only way I could get that door open was to knock it down: because I knocked all of them down.
No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not knock those who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself.
And what if I never go of my own free will? Will you pitch me from some window so that I must fly or fall? Will you bolt all shutters after me? You had better, because I'll knock and knock and knock until I fall down dead. I'll have no wings that take me away from you.
It was stupid behaviour. And you take a look at the explosion, and it knocks you down and you wake up every morning and you're scared and you're depressed and sad, and you kind of got to let that knock you down and knock you down.
...I also have an extended family. The people who stayed. The people who became more than friends; the people who open the door when I knock. That's what it all boils down to. The people who have to open the door, not because they always want to but because they do.
It's something that I have to learn to do: affect the game in a different way. If I don't get it on the offensive end, try to get it on the defensive end.
Life is full of doors that don't open when you knock, equally spaced amid those that open when you don't want them to.
When it's a good shot, open, in rhythm with our offense you've got to take it. If it's open you've got to have confidence to shoot it and knock it down.
I want to be one of those point guards who knock down shots you have to get over the top.
If you want to be on top, you've got to have broad shoulders, because as fast as you get there, the faster they try to knock you down.
You never want to be in a defensive mode or have a defensive mindset. You always want to know that you're in control as the pitcher, you make him get hits, you're never passive, always aggressive. If I get beat, I want it to be because I got rocked, got hit hard, never because I walked a couple of guys and before you know it.
No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself.
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