A Quote by Matt Redman

Praise is a contradiction of pride. Pride says 'looks at me,' but praise longs for people to see Jesus. — © Matt Redman
Praise is a contradiction of pride. Pride says 'looks at me,' but praise longs for people to see Jesus.
Pride is the great stumbling block of Zion...Pride is ugly; it says if you succeed I am a failure...Pride is basically competitive in nature. When competition ends, pride ends.
Whatever you don't turn into PRAISE turns into PRIDE.
There are entire congregations who worship praise and praise worship but who have not yet learned to praise and worship God in Jesus Christ.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him, all creatures here below! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
People blush at praise--not only praise of their bodies, but praise of anything that is theirs.
Pride that you express to other people is probably ego. Pride that you express silently to yourself is real pride. Pride of self is understanding that life is glorious, and that it 's an honor to be here.
I don't want you to praise me...Some praise me because I am a colored girl, and I don't want that kind of praise. I had rather you would point out my defects, for that will teach me something.
The man who acts humble in order to win praise is guilty of the lowest form of pride.
Be quick to praise people. People like to praise those who praise them.
The humblest praise most, while cranks & malcontents praise least. Praise almost seems to be inner health made audible
The praise that comes of love does not make us vain, but humble rather. Knowing what we are, the pride that shines in our mother's eyes as she looks at us is about the most pathetic thing a man has to face, but he would be a devil altogether if it did not burn some of the sin out of him.
We should learn to take genuine pride in a job well done and not expect praise for one simply carried out.
Magnanimity is sufficiently defined by its name, nevertheless one can say it is the good sense of pride, the most noble way of receiving praise.
Yes, there is something in me hateful, repulsive," thought Ljewin, as he came away from the Schtscherbazkijs', and walked in the direction of his brother's lodgings. "And I don't get on with other people. Pride, they say. No, I have no pride. If I had any pride, I should not have put myself in such a position".
Praise is nothing that accumulates. Praise is a sequence, especially if you've toiled for a long time. Praise does not pile up. So in a way, you can't get too much. I don't consider it to be a quantity that you can measure by volume.
What is our praise or pride but to imagine excellence and try to make it? What does it say over the door of heaven; but, homo (sapiens) fecit?
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