A Quote by Matt Riddle

Bill Goldberg can't wrestle. — © Matt Riddle
Bill Goldberg can't wrestle.

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My first match with Bill Goldberg, it was for the World Title in 1998. Bill had only been wrestling a year. Well, we stole the show. Because I was going to make Bill look as good as he was, and he was great. He had that incredible charisma, personality, and that 'it' factor. Rousey has that same thing.
When Goldberg's 'Liberal Fascism' came out in January 2008, his employer 'National Review Online' announced that Tribune Media Services, which carries Goldberg's opinion columns, had 'nominated' Goldberg for a Pulitzer in commentary.
Bill Goldberg kicked me in the head and ended my career because he didn't know what he was doing.
As far as the path of [Bill] Goldberg and all his ultimate success, I don't think any of that was planned. It was all organic. All of it was so different.
You can't just run through a cookie cutter press and crank out a wrestler that looks like Bill Goldberg.
Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, myself, and even Bill Goldberg, for crying out loud, main-eventing Wrestlemania. That is WCW's legacy.
I didn't choose Goldberg because I wanted to be the flagship for the Jewish movement, not by any stretch of the imagination. I chose Goldberg because no one else can own it.
I would love to hang out with Whoopi Goldberg. I was on 'The View' once, and I didn't know how to make an in there, to be like, 'What are you doing later?' But I really love Whoopi Goldberg.
The stupidest question I get is 'Is Goldberg your real name?' I tell people, 'No, my real name is Killer, but I wanted a much more menacing name, so I picked Goldberg.'
My character is just an extension of me. The in-ring work, the things that will always be said about me: Big, overbearing, powerful, in-your-face, couldn't wrestle - I never needed to wrestle. Why did I need to learn how to wrestle? Did Hulk Hogan need to learn how to wrestle? Nope. Is Hulk Hogan a good athlete? Nope.
You don't know who the next group is that's unpopular. The Bill of Rights isn't for the prom queen. The bill of rights isn't for the high school quarterback. The Bill of Rights is for the least among us. The Bill of Rights is for minorities. The Bill of Rights is for those who have minority opinions.
I didn't get to wrestle at all in TNA. I wanted to wrestle, and they wouldn't let me.
If you're a fan of Indie wrestling at all, you can go back to, I think, 2007-2008, and you can see me wrestle CHIKARA. And you can see me wrestle in a tank top, and you can see me wrestle in a tank top that doesn't look like the one I have in WWE. But it's the same one.
My best friend, Andrew Goldberg - and this is genuinely not me trying to cross-promote, but this new Netflix show I'm doing called Big Mouth is about me and my best friend, Andrew Goldberg, from childhood - but there was a year when I went to his house after school every day and we watched Wayne's World and ate Doritos.
I get to watch Shinsuke Nakamura and Bobby Roode and Tye Dillinger and all these huge names in NXT wrestle on TakeOver. Then I got to wrestle alongside them.
Keith Olbermann is trying to make a business out of destroying Bill O'Reilly. He's done certain things to Bill O'Reilly that I believe were way over the line. I think that's bad behavior. But it's okay for him to criticize Bill. And Bill shouldn't be so sensitive. He should ignore that.
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