A Quote by Matt Riddle

I'm usually just so laid back most of the times. — © Matt Riddle
I'm usually just so laid back most of the times.
A lot of times people say, 'You act like a grandmother, you're just totally laid back, nothing bothers you.'
A team will take on its manager's personality. If it's a laid back manager, you'll have a laid back personality. The players will see that if it's OK for the Manager to be laid back, then you'll have a laid back team.
I never tried to crossover or be in the public's eye everyday. I'm laid back with it and at times I wondered if I was doing the right thing promoting myself staying back a little bit and coming out when I felt that I had too. But when I get all the accolades and hear the things people say it just puts it all together for me man. It's a blessing.
I would say at times I am a 'Glamoholic.' But I am definitely more laid back than glamorous.I think it takes a lot of effort and sometimes I just want to be in jeans.
I would say at times I am a 'Glamoholic.' But I am definitely more laid back than glamorous. I think it takes a lot of effort and sometimes I just want to be in jeans.
I was stillborn. The midwives laid me aside, thought I was really gone. I laid there about an hour, and they picked me back up and tried again, 'cause my body was still warm. The Good Lord brought me back.
I'm laid-back. Sometimes, I think being laid-back will be my downfall; I'm a little too good at sitting on the sofa and doing nothing. But what can I say? It's who I am, how I am, how I've always been.
I'm just laid-back and cool.
I'm just a laid-back person.
I never build myself us. I let the people do that. I'm the most laid-back person, and I let them build me up. If you ask me, I say, 'I''m just a guy playin' some blues.
I've died 3 times, I've been shot in the back, stabbed once in my arm, stabbed 2 times in my back, run over by a truck, been poisoned, broke both of my arms, nose (3 times broken), ribs, both legs, but a broken heart hurt me the most.
All of my life, when things got too difficult, I folded up the tent and went to bed. I couldn't stand a challenge... I was terrified of confrontation. I was very laid-back, and just wouldn't get involved or fight back.
I'm a pretty laid-back person but when I first played on TV against Jimmy White at the Masters it was daunting. The more times you play you get used to it and you eventually come to love it.
My husband and I are just really laid back people.
Nothing really annoys me, I'm not that kind of person, I'm quite laid back about most things.
There comes a time when the bubble of ego is popped and you can’t get the ground back for an extended period of time. Those times, when you absolutely cannot get it back together, are the most rich and powerful times in our lives.
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