A Quote by Matt Serra

When you lose, people that you think aren't going to come at you, will come at you, because they're haters. — © Matt Serra
When you lose, people that you think aren't going to come at you, will come at you, because they're haters.
If your writing is good, if it resonates, if it connects the dots for anybody out there, the lovers will come, the haters will come, support will come — sometimes in the form of money, sometimes in the form of something less expected — and it balances.
When people come to me, they come usually for spiritual blessings, they come for the heart to be opened, because if it's not, we're not going to be able to channel our way through the course, and I think that most people know that there is that understanding that something has to open within us before we begin to resolve our problems, and so it is at all levels that they come.
Someday, the realm of liberty and justice will encompass the planet. Freedom is not just the birthright of the few, it is the God-given right of all His children, in every country. It won't come by conquest. It will come, because freedom is right and freedom works. It will come, because cooperation and good will among free people will carry the day.
I also talk about building a wall and oftentimes I'll say, and there's going to be a big beautiful door in that wall and people are going to come into our country because we want people to come in. We want people to come into our country, but we want them to come in legally.
Folks, folks, we want to end Obamacare, we want to go to a plan that's so much better and so much less expensive, right? We want to have borders and we want people to come into our country. We welcome people, but they have to come in through a legal process. So, we're going to have a wall, but it's going to have a big, beautiful door and people are going to come into America, but they're going to come in legally.
There's a lot of haters in Philly, but it's a lot of people that give you support - but way more haters. It's definitely a great city to be from. But it's not really a lot of people that come out of there. So when you, like, make it out of Philadelphia, everywhere else is easy.
The wishes might not come true the way you think they will, not everything will be perfect, but love will come because it always does, because why else would it exist and it will make everything hurt a little less. You just have to believe in yourself.
The band will be going along, and somebody or another will say, 'I want to go off and do a solo career.'... They come back, and other people come in.
You know, people come up to me saying, 'Watching you gave me the courage to come out to my parents,' or, 'I watched you and I decided to start doing drag,' or, people will just come up and say, 'It's you.' Like they can't even form sentences because they're crying because they're seeing someone they admired on television.
I've been asked if I think there will ever come a time when all people come together. I would like to think there will. All we can do is hope and dream and work toward that end. And that's what I've tried to do all my life.
One thing we must understand, that if we have to change the world, we have to change human beings. People think by giving lectures, having conferences and this and that, peace will come. It will never come. A global transformation has to come for peace, for wisdom and for joy.
People who are my superfans will come to my app. Not everyone is going to come to the app. The superfans who come to my app will see the real me in a very different mode. That is the speciality of the app.
The biggest threat, when it comes to climate change and pollution, isn't going to come from us because we only have 300 million people. It's going to come from China with over 1 billion people and India with over 1 billion people.
If I can become U.P. chief minister, then I think a day will surely come when the dreams of our people will come true.
As soon as you are a woman with an opinion, and they don't like it, the haters will come out in full force.
I think most people who were involved with television will tell you, if given a season or given a 13-episode order and getting those episodes on the air, and if viewers don't come, I think most people will tell you they'd walk away. They feel they were given a fair shake, and if viewers didn't come, they didn't come.
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