A Quote by Matt Sharp

I really do believe in the influence of your surroundings. — © Matt Sharp
I really do believe in the influence of your surroundings.
You influence your surroundings every bit as much as they influence you.
My advice to young wrestlers is that your surroundings really make a difference. You want to put yourself in good, positive surroundings.
I'm interested in psychology and how your surroundings can influence your character, and because of that, I think I try and take the very best from a situation, good or bad, and constantly work on myself.
I think a lot of things do influence me, but the influence mechanism is as such that these things dive into your brain and bury themselves into your subconscious and you're never quite sure where and how they're going to emerge. I don't think I really take direct influence.
I believe your atmosphere and your surroundings create a mind state for you.
I believe that the real expression of your religious beliefs is shown in the daily pattern of your life, in what you contribute to your surroundings and what you take away without infringing on the rights of other people.
One thing I believe that's a key to success is celebrate your surroundings.
Nature always takes you at your own valuation. Believe you are the child of God-really believe it. Believe that you express Divine Life, Divine Truth, and Divine Love. Believe that Divine Wisdom guides you. Believe that God is your supply. Believe that God is helping and blessing humanity through you. Believe that you are a special enterprise on the part of God and that he is opening your way-and what you really believe, that you will demonstrate.
You have to believe in marriage and you have to believe in a relationship between two people. If you really think in your life that you have found the right person, you have to stick to it, even though there are ups and downs. If you really believe in your union, you have to nourish it and work for it, then you can really spend your life together forever.
It's just a theory really, but I have always thought that your physical surroundings can shape your voice and personality.
I believe that with the complete formation of the global Zionist network, they have seized control of the fate of the European governments, and of the US government. To the independent countries in the world, I would like to say: You should know that the influence of the Zionist network on your culture, your politics, and your economy is tantamount to a violation of your independence. They cling like ticks. The moment they gain influence, they never stop.
Most of your desires are not really about yourself. You just picked them up from your social surroundings.
All of my surroundings influence my songwriting. It's autobiographical, although I leave enough space so it's relatable.
There’s more to being an environmentalist than occasionally signing an online petition and mailing your check to the Sierra Club. Really the most effective environmental actions you can take have to do with crafting your home and surroundings, your workplace decisions and your investment habits.
I think to make your home as comfortable as possible is so important. There’s something really interesting about that as a trend, that whole idea of lifestyle and being happy in your surroundings.
I really am not interested in making political music per se. I'm making personal records, but at the same time, I'm very much aware of my surroundings. And those surroundings, what's going on in the larger picture, affects my everyday life and affects the way that I think.
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