A Quote by Matthew Fox

Sometimes people look to others for answers they can find within themselves. I don't really want the responsibility of being the guy they look to. — © Matthew Fox
Sometimes people look to others for answers they can find within themselves. I don't really want the responsibility of being the guy they look to.
You look at science fiction and look how often it talks about being alien, being alienated about the other. Look at the number of blue people - 'Avatar,' I'm looking at you. And it is now easier to find people of color in science-fiction literature and media, but the issues of representation are still really, really troubling.
I would like all the trolls to look at their bodies instead of trolling others. What is ironic is the fact that it is easy to criticise sitting behind your computer, in complete anonymity, about other people. on the basis of their appearances but very difficult to introspect and look within themselves.
I don't know whether these people are going to find themselves, but as they live their lives they have no choice but to face up to the image others have of them. They're forced to look at themselves in a mirror, and they often manage to glimpse something of themselves.
If I go to someplace like Switzerland, I find a lot of uptight people because they're living amongst so much beauty; there's no urgency in trying to find the beauty within themselves. If you're stuck in New York, you have to somehow look within yourself - otherwise, you'd go crackers.
Many people know so little about what is beyond their short range of experience. They look within themselves - and find nothing! Therefore they conclude that there is nothing outside themselves either.
Just look around, in life, there's people who want to date people who look like themselves, and there are people who are just looking for a good fit. And a lot of times, a good fit is someone different than yourself. I'm not one to get too hung up on outside appearances. I find people attractive for more subtle reasons than just the way they look.
How hard it is for people to live without someone to look down upon-really to look down upon. It is not just that they feel cheated out of someone to hate. It is that they are compelled to look more closely into themselves and what they don't like about themselves.
Losing It Some days I think I'm losing my mind. What seems so clear most of the time becomes a big question mark. Am I really the way I percieve myself, or is the person others see the truth of me? I wait for answers, but inside I know I have to go out and find them. And answers like knowledge, are not always where we first look for them.
What's the message in Metallica? There is no message, but if there was a message, it really should be look within yourself, don't listen to me, don't listen to James, don't listen to anybody, look within yourself for the answers.
There is good and evil within all of us, and I enjoy searching to bring that out through my music. I like it that there are questions brought out by my music. People must look inside themselves for the answers
You never want to look in a mirror," Lula said. "Men love mirrors. They look at themselves doing the deed and they see Rex the Wonder Horse. Women look at themselves and think they need to renew their membership at the gym.
Look within. Within you is the hidden God. Within you is the immortal soul. Within you is the inexhaustible spiritual treasure. Within you is the ocean of bliss. Look within for the happiness which you have sought in vain.
In life we often look to others for simple, but difficult answers, despite the fact that we have those answers ourselves.
If you watch fights cage-side, sometimes different punches look better than others. It's like camera angles. Sometimes some punches look a lot better than they were, and sometimes a solid punch doesn't look good. So it just depends on your angle.
You can look in every direction and find a competition or an event going on. Even if you're not involved in playing one of the sports being offered, you can find anything you want to do. There's shopping, entertainment, all different types of people ... it's really a great atmosphere.
I'm always trying to tell fans to love themselves. I see them going through a ton of hardships on Twitter and being bullied. It's really important and easier said than done to take care of yourself. A lot of people put themselves out for others and don't really think about mending themselves. Sometimes, they get a little lost that way.
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