A Quote by Matthew Hussey

We live in a world of social media, dating apps, online profiles where everyone is portraying themselves in 2D, trying to look cool. Portray yourself in three dimensions. — © Matthew Hussey
We live in a world of social media, dating apps, online profiles where everyone is portraying themselves in 2D, trying to look cool. Portray yourself in three dimensions.
With social media, with Instagram and selfies and all these apps that are trying to make you look perfect... it's hard for girls to grow up nowadays with all that stuff.
As social is where consumers' eyeballs are, businesses must take ownership of their online company profiles. By providing their customers with a place to share content, social media managers can monitor and track content which directly relates to their brand.
We're being asked to continually be "authentic" and "honest" with the world through social media. There's a demand to post our wedding pictures, baby pictures (only minutes after the birth), our relationship status, and our grief and joys on Facebook and Instagram. Similarly, we construct persona through dating apps and networking sites. All of these social media networks exert pressure on us to share the personal details of our lives with unknown masses. So the pressure on the characters in "Openness" isn't merely romantic, but public/social as well.
My social media world is detached from my friendship world. I'll have friends in real life that I don't follow on social media, because I don't really look at social media as the way of connecting to friends. For me, social media is like a business tool.
In the age of social media and dating apps, so many people are able to hide behind their Instagram page or their Raya page or Facebook.
I don't look at social media, I have some people who look after it so whenever I want to post anything I send it to those guys so I don't have to look at the apps.
Performing with a hologram in a three-dimensional world feels somewhat strange. But you know, the experience of playing live in a room full of people is most exciting, it's something that the social media has not been able to recreate. There's some kind of intensity about it, something that the social media doesn't capture.
There aren't a lot of alternative roles for Indian actors. I think we've fallen short of portraying Indians in the media. We don't need to make another Dances With Wolves, because it's not an Indian movie. When Indians portray themselves, then we have a different perspective. I've been asked about making period pieces but I've never read one that wasn't about guilt, and I'm not trying to make a guilt film.
If you're trying to write about what the Chinese people are talking about, you can sometimes get a distorted picture if you go online and look at the conversation on social media.
It's a bit harder being on TV. I would be open to finding dates through Facebook or Instagram though, does that count? I do love flicking through profiles on my friend's dating apps though!
There isn't a way to depict the gay community without at least mentioning the existence of online dating apps like Grindr.
Honestly, I feel like inside my soul, I'm very anti-social media to a point where I realized that I need to be active in part because of my profession, but I delete all of the social media apps on my phone daily.
You're living in a matrix that's driven by social media. It's become glorified. You're suppose to be what you portray on social media, thats the perception.
It's easy to blame technology for what we perceive to be a vast disconnect between people. We're so wrapped up in social media, texting, online dating - in many ways, we're addicted to our devices.
Shakespeare would have it wrong these days. It's not the world that's the stage - it's social media, where you're trying to put on a show. The rest of your life is rehearsals, prepping in the wings to be fabulous online.
China's social media is becoming more and more influential; I think this is a very good thing. In China, social media gives people an outlet to post about themselves, to find out information from other people. Everyone is very focused on social media and this will be the same in the future.
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