A Quote by Matthew Hussey

We've all grown wary of being lied to online - let's face it, dudes are always exaggerating their heights - so trust is a hot commodity. — © Matthew Hussey
We've all grown wary of being lied to online - let's face it, dudes are always exaggerating their heights - so trust is a hot commodity.
I wonder how Colin Powell sleeps at night. I would like to have a word with him because he lied. He lied. He lied to me. He lied to my face through the camera at the U.N.
Anthony Weiner lied to the country about his sexual misconduct online. He also lied to me.
All my life I have lied. I lied to escape, I lied to be loved, I lied for placement and power; I lied to lie. It was a way of living; lies are life's almost-anagram.
I can always tell the demographic that will probably recognize me - white dudes, sort of skater-y hip hop white dudes, and working class black dudes.
You have to be really careful with what you put out on social media and who you're talking to online... You can't just trust someone that you meet online. People aren't always who they say they are.
There's plenty of rude stuff online. People say things online that they would be ashamed to say face to face. If people could treat others as though they were speaking face to face, that would be huge.
It doesn't matter where or how it is grown as long as it is packaged in plastic, put on the supermarket shelves, and bought as a commodity. In the New Story food is not commodity. Food is sacred. We need to be connected with soil, with animals that we take care of.
Let's just stop being bullies face to face, online, whatever.
The 50s face was angry, the 60s face was well-fed, the 70s face was foxy. Perhaps it was the right expression: there was a lot to be wary about.
Since the heady days of the 2009 Inauguration, middle-class independents have grown increasingly distant from Obama. Working-class voters - always more enamored of Clinton - have grown even more wary and distrustful of the Chicagoan. Both voting blocs pose the danger of serious defection in 2012. Without their support, Obama cannot win.
Even Boris Johnson doesn't think there's going to be a United States of Europe. ?And I think there's a real question here that you're being asked to make a decision that's irreversible we cant change it, we wake up on Friday and we don't like it, and we're being sold it on a lie because they lied about the cost of Europe, they lied about Turkey's entrance to Europe, they lied about the European army because we've got a veto for that they put that in their leaflets and they've lied about this here tonight too and its not good enough you deserve the truth you deserve the truth.
I think it is quite hard to be as angry and abusive face to face as it is online. But my fear is that as we get more and more normalised to abuse online, it will start spreading away from the screen.
I was a commodity, like a hot dog. It was like hot dogs and Betty Hutton.
Let's face it; people are doing everything online these days. So if they are going to watch my movies, I'm happy as long as it's being bought legally and being exhibited legally, as long as they are paying even a small fee for it. I'm just anti-piracy. If it's a legitimate way of watching film online, then I'm very happy.
I don't believe what the papers are saying They're just out to capture my dime, Exaggerating this, exaggerating that.
When I was younger, I was just always looking for - you're always looking for this hot, so hot, like super-hot girl. And then, as I've gotten older, different things are really important to me, like just honesty. Being able to sit down and have a conversation.
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