A Quote by Max Boot

I have not given up my faith in democracy - it remains the worst form of government except for all the others - but I have given up my youthful expectation that it would inevitably triumph.
You know, the primary process itself is very confusing. But in the end, I guess I believe what Winston Churchill said, which is that democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others. And that phrase of his, which I always have previously thought to be kind of acute, more recently I've thought of it in this way, to say well, you know what, he's also saying it's the worst form of government - except for all of the others.
Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those others that have been
It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.
Democracy is the worst form of government. It is the most inefficient, the most clumsy, the most unpractical.... It reduces wisdom to impotence and secures the triumph of folly, ignorance, clap-trap, and demagogy.... Yet democracy is the only form of social order that is admissible, because it is the only one consistent with justice.
God is a God who has not given up on His people. If He wanted to give up, He would have given up back in the Garden of Eden.
I think I will still feel that same appreciation for what [Winston] Churchill and others have said is the worst form of government except all the alternatives.
Being ruled by a depraved poet-king who is sacrified each spring is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.
It’s sad. Marxism didn’t work. Communism didn’t work. Capitalism doesn’t work. Nothing works. Even democracy doesn’t work. Democracy-the greatest form of government and we have two choices for who’s our leader. In fascism you only have one choice. That’s great. We have one more choice than the worst form of government.
Lubo Penev is a fighter, he never gives up and remains cool during tough moments. I remember when he was sick with cancer, but fought and returned to football. Most people would have given up and prayed to God for mercy. (on former teammate Luboslav Penev)
When the Founders thought of democracy, they saw democracy in the political sphere - a sphere strictly limited by the Constitution's well-defined and enumerated powers given the federal government. Substituting democratic decision making for what should be private decision making is nothing less than tyranny dressed up.
Even though you've given up a past it hasn't given you up. It comes uninvited - and sometimes half welcome.
Institutional United Methodism in America has given up on cities and given up on young people, so no surprise we are declining by nearly 100,000 annually.
Joe and I are still very aware of the fact that we live in a country where he criticised the government and lived another day. That trumps all. To paraphrase Churchill, democracy is the worst form of government apart from all the other forms of government. You constantly have to fight for it; you have to keep your government honest.
Where reasons are given, we don't need faith. Where only darkness surrounds us, we have no means for seeing except by faith.
The founders understood that democracy would inevitably evolve into a system of legalized plunder unless the plundered were given numerous escape routes and constitutional protections such as the separation of powers, the Bill of Rights, election of senators by state legislators, the electoral college, no income taxation, most governmental functions performed at the state and local levels, and myriad other constitutional limitations on the powers of the central government.
God's given me this talent and ability and this platform. The worst thing to do is to blow that off and not give the right people credit. He deserves all the credit. My faith has been a big part of growing up into who I am and who I'm trying to become.
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