A Quote by Max Boot

Silence is complicity. All Republicans who stand mute in the face of Trump's latest racism are telling you who they really are. — © Max Boot
Silence is complicity. All Republicans who stand mute in the face of Trump's latest racism are telling you who they really are.
It's become a cliche to stare in mute horror at Donald Trump's endless stream of Twitter vomit, wondering what chthonic god finds pleasure in watching us writhe as Trump brings out the very worst in his followers and new levels of willful ignorance from Republicans determined to see no evil, no matter how in their face that evil is.
Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the opressor.
In the Trump era, it's way more obvious extreme racism exists. But there are still a lot of people who think, 'We don't have a racist bone in our bodies.' We have to face the racism in ourselves.
Early on in Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, Republicans were confronted almost daily with a clear choice: accept Trump's overt appeals to the bigotry and racism festering in the bowels of the nation, or reject it wholly. Far too many chose the former.
We can't stand silence, because silence induces thinking. And if we thought, we would have to face ourselves.
People are telling me they're bored with all the attacks on Trump, meaning they were not effective. They weren't working. They weren't dispiriting people. They weren't, because Trump's fighting back. The Republicans never did, and the activists and the protesters are so over the top on everything, they're actually boring people, and they're converting people into Trump supporters.
I'm just telling you in my universe, people that I know who voted for Donald Trump and want the Trump agenda or most of it, I don't know anybody who is content for nothing to happen, status quo while the Republicans and Trump bicker. I don't know anybody who wants any more of this.
Republicans are now trying to stop Donald Trump. And there was much more ferocious and widespread criticism from Republicans of Trump this time around.
Words stand between silence and silence: between the silence of things and the silence of our own being. Between the silence of the world and the silence of God. When we have really met and known the world in silence, words do not separate us from the world nor from other men, nor from God, nor from ourselves because we no longer trust entirely in language to contain reality.
The Republicans don't want Donald Trump to define the Republican Party agenda. They are very loyal. They owe a lot to their donors. The donors hate Trump. The Chamber of Commerce hates Trump. All of these people that the Republicans think they can't get elected without don't like Trump. So it has been a stonewall. This behavior by the House and Senate Republican leadership isn't anything new. All you had to do was to listen what they were saying during the campaign.
Silence is complicity. I believe that.
All of this unrest and all the riots and all the protests, really the anger is at all of you who voted for Donald Trump and voted for Republicans. That's really the nub of it. They're angry at Trump, but Trump wouldn't be there if it weren't for you. They are angry. They feel rejected. The American people, and I've already told you how they think of Trump voters. They think Trump voters are uneducated, Deliverance types. You're fools, you're idiots, you're uneducated, you're unsophisticated, you're just an embarrassment, you're an American embarrassment.
It looks like they [the Republicans] don't want to win if it means winning with [Donald] Trump. They must really hate Trump out there.
We need to stand up to Donald Trump and the Republicans, but we also need to stand up against our own party establishment when it's on the wrong side of an issue.
The Republicans love alpha-males, and they're sick of the corruption, too. Not that Trump will do anything about it. But at least he's not bought. And he throws in just the right amount of racism to appeal to the Republican base.
Silence,they say,is the voice of complicity. But silence is impossible. Silence screams. Silence is the message,just as doing nothing is an act. Let who you are ring out and resonate in every word and deed. Yes,become who you are. There's no sidestepping your own being or your own responsibility. What you do is who you are. You are your own comeuppance. You become your own message. You are the message. In the Spirit of Crazy Horse.
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