A Quote by Max Scherzer

All of the off-field stuff, I can promise you, it doesn't even register with me. — © Max Scherzer
All of the off-field stuff, I can promise you, it doesn't even register with me.
I don't really focus on these things - on what tags are given to me or what people think of me off the field - stuff like that. My main focus is always to do well on the field for the Indian cricket team. When people say good things about me off the field, I am more than happy to accept them.
I just felt like Adidas was a brand that really fit me. Not only are they on the field, but off the field stuff.
For me, the biggest champions out there are not just on the field, but also off the field. Some of the biggest champions around the world, the David Beckhams, the Lebron Jameses, they all hold themselves so well off the field, and do so many great things for the community and socially. So I think it's not just about how you perform on the field, but how you hold yourself off it.
Of course, I was a head coach at high school for 15 years, so as far as on the field stuff it's the same but for college football it's off the field experience you got to get used to. It was a great learning experience for me, I learned a lot and I feel very prepared coming in here.
God bless those runners because they get you the first down, give you ball control and keep your defense off the field. But if you want to ring the cash register, you have to pass.
Say yes, Jenny. Promise you'll marry me. Promise you'll still be here, driving me crazy and loving me when we're little and old and surrounded by grandchildren. Promise that you'll let me love you until I take my last breath. Promise.
At the end of the day, when all is said and done playing this game ... it doesn't matter what you did in the field, it's what you do off the field and the lives that you touch off the field.
One of my theories is to be captain on the field and off the field, you need to totally enjoy each other's company. I don't like discussing cricket off the field.
People get confused with athletes, especially ultimate competitors. They think they are the same on and off the field. Once you see me on the field, I am a different person. I have a switch I can flip on and off.
I'm the same as I am on the field as I am off the field. It's not an act. I can't be another person on the field as opposed to being off the field. I am on who I am off.
It's quite strange, because off the field I'm quite shy, quiet, prefer to watch a bit of TV at home, but get me on the cricket field I like it all kicking off.
The words fire from my mouth like bullets, ricocheting off the walls before I can even register what I'm saying.
Politicians will promise some pretty ridiculous things. They will promise a chicken in every pot. They'll promise that they'll keep Social Security solvent. They'll promise drugs for old people. They'll promise lots of stuff. But it doesn't come near the kind of promises that religion makes. The Mormons promise that if you're good while you're on Earth, you get to rule over your own planet in the afterlife. Now, there's an entitlement that goes a little bit beyond prescription drugs for old people.
I suppose my look, the way I play - you combine all that sort of stuff and that makes people interested in what I actually do. So then, when off-the-field stuff happens... I suppose it's one of those cocktail mixes.
I promise to question everything my leaders tell me. I promise to use my critical faculties. I promise to develop my independence of thought. I promise to educate myself so I can make my own judgments.
The promise, made when I am in love and because I am in love, to be true to the beloved as long as I live, commits me to being true even if I cease to be in love. A promise must be about things that I can do, about actions: no one can promise to go on feeling in a certain way. He might as well promise to never have a headache or always to feel hungry.
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