A Quote by Max Verstappen

Of course I think everybody has moments in their careers when they're frustrated, or you're not happy with the current situation. — © Max Verstappen
Of course I think everybody has moments in their careers when they're frustrated, or you're not happy with the current situation.
We've been given the full spectrum of emotions for good reason, and it helps us be happy, in my opinion. I think it's totally normal to be sad or angry or frustrated, hopeless at moments. I don't think we would've been given these things if they were bad.
I've been very lucky in my long life. On three continents, in diverse cultures, through happy moments, not-so-happy moments, and moments as marvelous as this one, I've had the privilege of working with the cinema's greatest masters.
My reaction to a lot of the current situation that we're in is based in part on a serious concern that the present administration's course ignores reality.
I'm fundamentally, I think, an outsider. I do my best work and feel most braced with my back to the wall. It's an odd feeling though, writing aginst the current: difficult entirely to disregard the current. Yet of course I shall.
Something different has to be done before we make another budget deal that increases spending and raises the debt some more. Our current course is not reasonable. Our current course is insane.
I was a frustrated musician, frustrated designer, frustrated art director, frustrated novelist, right. I'd fail at all these different professions.
If you win all the time, you lose the drama in life. To make the happy moments happy, you need the sad moments too.
Nobody can be happy. You could have moments of happiness, moments of joy. But life is very difficult. Unless you're a total idiot. Then you can be happy.
These were the moments when I was disappointed and frustrated, when I got so low because it seemed all my hard work had been wasted. But the moments passed, and the motivation to go back to rehab was there again.
We all have those moments when you're sitting in your feelings and you're sitting in your thoughts and you're taking in what your current situation is.
Where humanity is going to find itself in, say, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years would be very difficult to predict, I think. There are moments, of course, when you think that it's going from bad to worse, but there are other moments when you think that human efforts are really flowering into something really fantastic.
The fastest way to get to a new-and-improved situation is to make peace with your current situation.
I think life is full of moments. And it's important to remember those moments. Take a mental snapshot if you can. For me, they are either when I feel truly happy or a standout moment in my career.
I think life is really hard sometimes. It's not easy to wake up every day and go through what you go through. But the beautiful moments that you share with people that you love, or even experience alone, are worth all of the pain and sorrow. Those moments should be cherished, and I think that's what music is all about-to remind people of the beautiful moments that are in everybody's life
Well, I think everybody is frustrated by the finances of the U.N. and the inability to solve problems of war and peace.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD Difficult moments, SEEK GOD Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD Painful moments, TRUST GOD Every moment, THANK GOD
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