A Quote by Maya Angelou

The most called-upon prerequisite of a friend is an accessible ear. — © Maya Angelou
The most called-upon prerequisite of a friend is an accessible ear.
I have a condition called Menieres disease which is a problem with fluid retention in the inner ear. It has four symptoms: ringing in the ear, pressure in the ear, fluctuating hearing loss, and attacks of vertigo.
Tom Byron is my friend. JJ Michaels is my friend. I haven't heard from him. I don't know what he believes. A couple of other have called but I haven't called them back.
Weezer's 'El Scorcho.' I'm in a '90s cover band called 'Straight 2 Video' with members of the crew from 'The Vampire Diaries,' and we played this song at our wrap party. I grin from ear to ear every time I scream this song in my car.
For the first time in human history the psychology that is a prerequisite for intimacy has become the psychology that is a prerequisite for species survival.
I found that of the senses, the eye is the most superficial, the ear the most arrogant, smell the most voluptuous, taste the most superstitious and fickle, touch the most profound and the most philosophical.
I called every day to see how she was doin, Every time that I called her, it seemed somethin was brewin. I called her on my dime, picked up, and then I called again, I said, 'Yo, who was that?' 'Oh, he's just a friend.'
I feel that my ear candy is a little different from the ear candy most people are receiving right now.
You just need the ear. But the ear is something, I guess, that you can't buy. And I can't play the piano fluently, but I feel like my ear is my strong point.
Though sleep is called our best friend, it is a friend who often keeps us waiting!
Probably the most neglected friend you have is you. And yet every man, before he can be a true friend to the world, must first become a friend to himself.
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.
'The Lobster,' at some point, was my most accessible film. Then I made 'The Killing of a Sacred Deer,' which turned out to be not as accessible as 'The Lobster.' It was the film I wanted to make and the story I wanted to tell.
There's a little thing on your shoulder called intuition and it whispers in your ear. Everyone has that, there is a voice telling you to do something. Most people ignore it - but you must listen to it. I do it every day, all day.
This paper will serve instead of a confidential friend into whose ear I might pour forth the overflowings of my heart. It will not sympathize with my distresses, but then, it will not laugh at them, and, if I keep it close, it cannot tell again; so it is, perhaps, the best friend I could have for the purpose.
How bless'd the heart that has a friend. A sympathizing ear to lend.
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