A Quote by Megan Gallagher

My career is very important and I'm pretty ambitious. Marriage is not a priority, not the focus of my existence. Of course, you don't plan something like that, do you? It always catches you by surprise.
Life can be very challenging. But I've always believed that God is always in control, even when you are going through challenges. Nothing catches him by surprise. It's all part of his plan. I rely on that even during the toughest of times.
Marriage isn't always cupcakes and Jesus juice, but it's important to show each other your marriage is a priority and that you still love them.
My marriage was always my first priority. I had left my career to go and settle with Dhrubo in Kolkata. I have never behaved like a celebrity at home.
Of course money is important. Very important. Important to everybody. If I said it wasn't, I'd be lying. Especially because it's not like I've made hundreds of millions of dollars in my career.
I'm very sentimental and ambitious. I like to be relaxed and I like to live a peaceful existence, but that's very difficult considering I'm very neurotic. On the inside, I'm very chilled - but on the outside I'm a big mess of worry!
Something that's very important is to preserve the sense of surprise, the sense of discovery. The eye of the person you are talking to, your shadow on the ground. It's important not to get suffocated by all the things in life and lose that sense of surprise.
I think it's important to remember that you go into something like marriage knowing that you don't know very much about it at all. But I do look at the marriage of my mother and stepdad, and what makes it work for them is that it's a team effort.
I've always been very ambitious, and I always knew that I wanted something else. Cuba was a good start, but I knew I wasn't going to develop a real career, and I wanted to get closer to filmmakers that I wanted to work with.
Politics in Iran is not played like American football. It's played like chess. There are multiple moves. You're jumping ahead. And a lot of it is very subtle, and it catches you by surprise later on. So I don't want to go overboard on this.
My band is so dedicated, everybody works very hard. The No. 1 priority is the show, and it's pretty cool because we all pull together, and it's fun. It's like being on a sports team or something.
I'm very ambitious. I always want more after I get something I've dreamed about, so every day, I have a new target and a new path to follow. That's pretty much my law in life.
My priority is cricket. Everything that I get apart from it is a result of the effort on the field. Everything else follows. I am pretty aware of my priorities, and I don't really focus on things that are not as important to me as cricket.
Well I guess the plan was to write poetry and publish books and make a living from writing poetry. That was a pretty ambitious plan I guess.
I like the concept of the penny plan - not for the military because the military we have to build up. But we can save probably in many case more than a penny if you look at it. I mean, the penny plan is a pretty good plan, and it's a pretty simple plan.
That always catches you by surprise, you know, the amount of inspiration, should you choose to, that you can give to people.
Life catches you by surprise. It always does. But there's good mixed in with the bad. It's there. You just have to recognize it.
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