A Quote by Megan Mullally

Nick was cast first in both 'Smashed' and 'Kings.' — © Megan Mullally
Nick was cast first in both 'Smashed' and 'Kings.'
I am a pathetic and gushing Nick Hornby fan, and I wanted to be in High Fidelity, and I wanted to be in About A Boy, and those two directors - one who's a dear friend, and one who has never cast me in anything, despite my pleading... So there was another Nick Hornby script going around being cast by a friend of mine, and she said, "There's a very small role in it, but you'd be right for it." I was like "I don't care how small, I'm going to be in this Nick Hornby film."
Every last cast is actually a first cast. The first cast and first chance to catch the next fish. The next time you anguish about whether to make that last cast, forget it - the anguish that is - and cast away. The next fish caught on a last cast will not be the first.
Oh, you need Alan to betray Nick and then you'll steal Nick's powers and kill them both," said Mae. "Great idea. Hey, can i come? I'll bring a picnic lunch if you promise not to let blood get on the sandwiches.
Nick is driving us," Jamie informed him. "Nick has a car. Nick has TWO cars. Ha!
Relationships never break cleanly. Like a valuable vase, they are smashed and then glued back together, smashed and glued, smashed and glued until the pieces just don't fit together anymore.
She’s been hanging out with Nick.” – Acheron “Nick? As in I-hate-your-guts-Ash-go-die Nick?” – Tory
It was the first time I was looking, really, right after the storm, that I saw maybe the amount of devastation that had happened in the Lower Ninth Ward. Where my friends lived, which was about six blocks from where the industrial canal was, houses was smashed into houses, and there were, like, four houses smashed together.
Supposed I don't want to redeem myself? Why should I fight to uphold the system that cast me out? I shall take pleasure in seeing it smashed.
Nick! Wait!” – Kyrian ‘Wait, my gluteus maximus. Vampire was shy of a few quarts of blood if he thought Nick had any intention of not going Casper on him.’ – Nick
Nick as in my former boyfriend Nick. Ex-rat, ex-boyfriend, ex-alive if I ever got hold of him Nick.
The joy of the Lord is my strength, knowing that He is with me, knowing that He will never leave me, knowing that He is bigger than any circumstance, and that He loves us. It's not about Nick being happy but Nick's trust in God. It is not that everything is going smoothly. It is not that Nick never cries or Nick is never fearful anymore.
Nick, space. Now. (Acheron) Go, Nick, fetch. Here, boy, here. You should let me borrow one of those leather collars you wear and give me a tag with Kyrian’s number on it. ‘In case of loss, call my owner.’ (Nick)
Are you sure I can’t catch it? (Nick) I’m positive. Believe me, I know my zombies. (Bubba) (Nick scoffed.) ‘Is it just me or is that like saying I know my elves and fairies?’ (Nick)
Shut up, Nick. (Talon) 'Shut up, Nick, heel, sit, fetch.’ Love you too, Celt. (Nick)
I have worked alone and with a cast and enjoy the process both ways. There is more back-and-forth with a full cast, and you can feed off the other actors' performance.
Democracy is always the work of kings. Ashes, which in themselves are sterile, fertilize the land they are cast upon.
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