A Quote by Mehmet Murat Ildan

Thing big: Universe is a village, a small place! When you think big, all will get smaller! — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
Thing big: Universe is a village, a small place! When you think big, all will get smaller!
A royal garden is a very big place for slug, because slug is too slow, but it is small for a swallow which is too fast! Universe is a very big place for us simply because we are too slow! The day man becomes a swallow, universe will get smaller!
Big Government is the small option: it's the guarantee of smaller freedom, smaller homes, smaller cars, smaller opportunities, smaller lives.
Think small and act small, and we'll get bigger. Think big and act big, and we'll get smaller.
The big man in a small village is the big ship in a small lake! Let him sail to the vast oceans!
Those who see the cosmic perspective as a depressing outlook, they really need to reassess how they think about the world. Because when I look up in the universe, I know I'm small but I'm also big. I'm big because I'm connected to the universe, and the universe is connected to me.
Those who see the cosmic perspective as a depressing outlook, they really need to reassess how they think about the world. Because when I look up in the universe, I know I'm small but I'm also big. I'm big because I'm connected to the universe and the universe is connected to me.
The truth is few people “think” big and even fewer “play” big. Why? Because “big” often means big responsibilitie s, big hassles and big problems. They look at that “bigness” and shrink. They’re smaller than their problems. They back away from challenges. Ironically, they back themselves into the biggest problem of all ... being broke, or close to it.
I look up at the night sky, and I know that, yes, we are part of this Universe, we are in this Universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the Universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact, I look up — many people feel small, because they’re small and the Universe is big, but I feel big, because my atoms came from those stars.
You are what you think. So just think big, believe big, act big, work big, give big, forgive big, laugh big, love big and live big.
If a person wants to make it big, they can, and they will! The place that they come from doesn't matter, whether small town or big.
I will personally never ever get over the communal experience of theatrical cinema. I will never get over the scale of a big screen in relation to your small body, big sounds in a big room with a bunch of other people.
We Americans are trained to think big, talk big, act big, love big, admire bigness but then the essential mystery is in the small.
Think of yourself as a container for wealth. If your container is small and your money is big, what's going to happen? You will lose it. Your container will overflow and the excess money will spill out all over the place. You simply cannot have more money than the container. Therefore you must grow to be a big container so you cannot only hold more wealth but also attract more wealth. The universe abhors a vacuum and if you have a very large money container, it will rush in to fill the space.
If one sins against the laws of proportion and gives something too big to something too small to carry it - too big sails to too small a ship, too big meals to too small a body, too big powers to too small a soul - the result is bound to be a complete upset. In an outburst of hubris the overfed body will rush into sickness, while the jack-in-office will rush into the unrighteousness that hubris always breeds.
You may live in an unknown small village, but if you have big ideas, the world will come and find you!
It's only I have seen enough of it and the funny thing is now, I know that I'm skinny, because I know there are even smaller clothes in the store. I think I'm big, when I was big, I never thought about it.
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