A Quote by Melissa de la Cruz

Dude you scare me sometimes! You're all vampire superwoman — © Melissa de la Cruz
Dude you scare me sometimes! You're all vampire superwoman
I am pretty weird - as weird as in my videos. The only difference is Lilly is not a performer, and Superwoman is. So Superwoman is very fearless. You'll never see her nervous. You'll never see her sad. But Lilly is a human. She is the person behind Superwoman, who gets sad and tired sometimes.
Sometimes the things that scare me are the things I'm drawn to: moving to London, L.A., New York; marrying, having a kid. In order to live a full life, sometimes you have to do things that scare you.
I'll do my bit tonight, but forgive me if it's a little harder to keep going than normal. Forgive me if I'm not superwoman after all." "Not superwoman?" he exclaimed, putting a hand on his chest in mock surprise. "You've lied to me all these years!
Dude, you're a vampire. EVERY day sucks for you.
On an average day, I will spend 90 percent of my waking moments working on 'Superwoman.' I'm a huge workaholic. My hobby is 'Superwoman.'
Miss Britney Spears took a dude that was already with a girl that had babies. And sometimes when you do that kind of stuff and take a dude, that's called karma.
giving the utmost of herself to three absorbing interests [marriage, motherhood, career] ... was a problem for a superwoman, and a job for a superwoman, and only some such fabled being could have accomplished it with success.
I try to be superwoman, and sometimes I wear myself out.
Why are you still with me, Fry?" CyFi asks after one of his body-shaking seizures. "Any sane dude woulda taken off days ago. "Who says I'm sane?" "Oh, you're sane, Fry. You're so sane, you scare me. You're so sane, it's insane.
Real-life things, like spiders and snakes, that doesn't scare me, but if it's a monster or a ghost or an alien, that will always scare me.
I wonder what the most intelligent thing ever said was that started with the word 'dude.' 'Dude, these are isotopes.' 'Dude, we removed your kidney. You're gonna be fine.' 'Dude, I am so stoked to win this Nobel Prize. I just wanna thank Kevin, and Turtle, and all my homies.'
Is your inner vampire different from your...outer vampire?" "Definitely. He wants me to wear midriff-baring shirts and a fedora." "So your inner vampire is Magnus?
Sometimes women scare the hell out of me.
I don't really know [who my favorite vampire is]. I always think, 'Ethan Hawke in Interview with a Vampire,' and someone will say, 'He's not the vampire. He's the interviewer.'
Heaven is not a place for those who are afraid of hell; it’s a place for those who love God. You can scare people into coming to your church, you can scare people into trying to be good, you can scare people into giving money, you can even scare them into walking down an aisle and praying a certain prayer, but you cannot scare people into loving God. You just can’t do it.
Bones,” I sighed. “Know something? I’m not afraid of you, but you scare me….” His outline blurred again. “You scare me, too, Kitten,” he might have replied, but I couldn’t be sure.
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