A Quote by Melissa Harris-Perry

Jeb`s Bush front-runner status was short lived, to say the least. But who could have predicted that the Republican front-runner would be someone that we were not even thinking about.Donald Trump was not even on anyone`s radar back then and Mike Pence was getting more attention than he was.
I must admit I found it astonishing to watch the candidates below Donald Trump beat up each other and never lay a glove on the front-runner. I mean, when I was running, everybody went after the front-runner and pointed out my weaknesses and foibles, and that's part of the normal primary process.
Early on, even before he was the front-runner, TV news was giving Trump far more attention than other candidates and far more than he deserved.
Bernie Sanders got $26 million raised, 77% of it from people under $200 or less. Bernie Sanders' money is equal to the combined donations of Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Lindsey Graham. It takes four Republicans, including the establishment's presumed front-runner, Jeb Bush.
It`s been a long and tumultuous relationship between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz that started off more or less as allies during the Republican primary. As Trump took the early lead in polls, Cruz stuck with the strategy of drafting off of the front-runner waiting for the moment to make his move.
The novelist is more a marathon runner than long-distance runner and the kind of courage it takes working in such isolation cannot be underestimated. I really respect my fellow writers on this front.
When people floated this idea that this was a conspiracy by the [Jeb] Bush campaign to undermine [Marco] Rubio, at first, it was like it`s too complicated, wheels within wheels but as I thought about it more I did buy that, that this is part of a campaign by Jeb to make it look like there`s no backup plan to Donald Trump, try to blow everything up and then all that will be left is Donald Trump and Jeb who nobody really likes but who has a ton of money and then he`s the only option left.
Republicans woke up Sunday with an undeniable reality. Donald Trump's the clear front-runner now for their party's nomination. Trump, celebrated, of course, his big win in South Carolina.
After Donald Trump`s ban all Muslims proposal, candidate Jeb Bush reacted by calling Mr. Trump unhinged. However, that would be the same Jeb Bush who says we should only allow refugees into this country who are Christians.
Has anyone asked Donald Trump recently like how exactly does his current position differ from [Marco] Rubio`s or even Jeb Bush`s?
It's always, 'Are you the runner girl?' I say, 'My name is Sally actually.' I used to always get that at school as well, 'Are you the runner girl?' I'm not even the runner girl, I'm a hurdler.
Being the Republican front-runner was three of the most exciting hours of my entire life. I've come to grips with it, and the only lasting effect is that I refuse to go on a stage that has more than one podium on it.
If you closed your eyes during that [Donald Trump] conference and you didn`t pay attention to who was saying those words, it could have been Jeb Bush saying those words last year, Jeb Bush. It could have been Marco Rubio saying those words last year during the primaries, because that`s the position of, well, those two Floridians, you know, no pathway to citizenship according to Jeb Bush, pathway to citizenship in the long term, according to Marco Rubio, but talking about the need to brush up on the border.
You used to be taught to let the ball go as far as possible and then drop it on the runner, whereas now it might be even more advantageous to direct the ball in front of the bag and get the guy on the leg.
I think we do want a front-runner from the Republican Party who can win the general election.
Here we have perhaps in Mike Pence someone uniquely capable of explaining [Donald] Trump and being Trump and explaining for people who Trump is and what he is. And defending against whatever predictable insults and assaults on Trump that [Tim] Kaine comes up with.
I've never been a politician, but , I am totally committed to the Republican Party. I feel very honored to be the front runner.
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