A Quote by Mercedes Schlapp

Pretending that voter fraud does not exist puts the integrity of our voting process at risk. — © Mercedes Schlapp
Pretending that voter fraud does not exist puts the integrity of our voting process at risk.
We're looking at all forms of election irregularities, voter fraud, voter registration fraud, voter intimidation, suppression, and looking at the vulnerabilities of the various elections we have in each of the 50 states.
Voter fraud does just barely exist, while racism, according to the Supreme Court, is a thing of the past.
Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process.
A lot of states that pass voter ID laws have little to no evidence of in-person voter impersonation fraud, which is the only kind of fraud that voter ID laws could guard against.
With the Voting Rights Act of Virginia, our Commonwealth is creating a model for how states can provide comprehensive voter protections that strengthen democracy and the integrity of our elections.
I'm against voter fraud in any form, and I have long supported a national voter ID card. But ID cards need not - and must not - restrict voting rights in any way, shape or form.
Every time voter fraud occurs, it cancels out the vote of a lawful citizen and undermines democracy - can't let that happen. Any form of illegal or fraudulent voting, whether by non-citizens or the deceased, and any form of voter suppression or intimidation must be stopped.
When I was in the state legislature, we asked for different examples of voter fraud, and the Republicans could never produce any sort of in-person voter fraud examples.
When it comes to voting rights, Democrats push voter protection while Republicans shout voter fraud in a crowded polling place. Democrats think anyone who can vote should vote; Republicans think everyone who should vote can vote.
Each American has a right to be heard, and I was proud to vote to pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act to restore vital voter protections and strengthen Virginians' trust in our political process.
Whether or not your candidate wins, the crucial importance is the integrity of our voting system. You have to engage in the process in order to change it.
You can turn on Fox News almost any day and see some fictional story about voter fraud, the whole purpose of which is to limit voting by the poor, the elderly, college students and minorities.
If you don't have voter ID, you can just keep voting and voting and voting.
It is a sign of the times that the absence of meaningful ID requirements in many states leaves our voting process vulnerable to fraud and allows legal votes to be cancelled out by illegally cast ballots.
You know, when you have a million plus names on the rolls, people who aren't voting or are inactive, dead, people who have moved away, that's a massive pool of potential voter fraud opportunities for those who want to be able to steal elections.
Our challenge is to mobilize a new coalition of conscience to restore the Voting Rights Act, strengthen voting rights and broaden voter access in the legislatures of the 50 states.
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