A Quote by Meryl Streep

What does it take to be the first female anything? It takes grit, and it takes grace. — © Meryl Streep
What does it take to be the first female anything? It takes grit, and it takes grace.
Better is possible. It does not take genius. It takes diligence. It takes moral clarity. It takes ingenuity. And above all, it takes a willingness to try.
It doesn't take any longer to improvise 10 takes than it takes to shoot 10 takes of the same thing. It turns out to be just as responsible from a business point of view as anything else.
I read the other day that Minor White said it takes twenty years to become a photographer. I think that is a bit of an exaggeration. I would say, judging from myself, that it takes at least eight or nine years. But it does not take any longer than it takes to learn to play the piano or the violin. If it takes twenty years, you might as well forget about it!
The long takes process doesn't allow for that many takes. In the past I have shot over 50 takes of different shots. Sometimes you end up using take 64, sometimes take four.
I honestly think, rebounding, it takes a couple of things to be a good rebounder... It takes motor. It takes effort. It takes a lot of things. It takes game reps.
Hillary Clinton has taken some fire over 40 years of her fight for families and children. How does she do it? That's what I want to know. Where does she get her grit and her grace? Where do any of our female firsts, our pathbreakers, where do they find that strength?
Sometimes there's something that you need a few takes to get it and if it takes 15 takes, it takes 15 takes. It really depends.
Work does not kill you, food does. God does not kill you, food does. Food is your first and last enemy. If you take in more than you can handle, it takes all of your energy to digest it.
It takes a lot of grace and maturity to simply forgive, but a lot of healing takes place when you do.
God takes the most eminent and choicest of His servants for the choicest and most eminent afflictions. They who have received most grace from God are able to bear most afflictions from God. Affliction does not hit the saint by chance, but by direction. God does not draw His bow at a venture. Every one of His arrows goes upon a special errand and touches no breast but his against whom it is sent. It is not only the grace, but the glory of a believer when we can stand and take affliction quietly
The teapot takes in water and gives out tea. So the human individual takes in anything you give him and promptly transforms it; he is ready to give you out again his own reactions - first, in thought and emotion, then in voice or action.
The establishment of a law, moreover, does not take place when the first thought of it takes form, or even when its significance is recognised, but only when it has been confirmed by the results of the experiment.
Dead men do not cooperate with grace. Unless regeneration takes place first, there is no possibility of faith.
Grit, determination, the right amount of crazy, self belief - everything it takes to be a champion. I have that.
The fight takes 15 minutes. The build-up takes 90 days. It takes that for a reason.
It takes no compromising to give people their rights. It takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no survey to remove repressions.
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