A Quote by Meryl Streep

Show business has been really, really good to me because I can work and take a lot of time off, and I'm extremely undisciplined person. — © Meryl Streep
Show business has been really, really good to me because I can work and take a lot of time off, and I'm extremely undisciplined person.
Since I had children I have taken huge amounts of time off. In a way it's a really good thing, in this show business especially, to have lots of private time, having lots of time to be in the world to observe people and read and take care of my kids helps me to come back into work with a thrill.
I really saw Pat Brady, Kelsey Grammer's character's point of view that it's a business. It's show business. So, it was an incredible opportunity to work with really wonderful creatives and the script was fantastic. What was so interesting to me about the studio system was that a lot of the politics that were in play then are so really relevant to today.
I'm just living my life. I'm incredibly disciplined and I work incredibly hard. I show up for things on time, I do my homework, and I work my ass off. I've had a lot of luck, but I work really, really hard.
Me separating from CTE - I'm extremely happy about that because a lot of guys wrote me off, Jeezy included. He really wrote me off.
I don't love the business. I never wanted to be a part of it. I don't think any actor does. Most of the time, I've been really fortunate to work with people who are really fun to work with. It doesn't mean we don't take it seriously, but no one is under the delusion (that we're) bringing world peace.
Sometime really good writing does you a disservice as an actor. Because you can get lazy. It's doing a lot of the work for you. I guess that's good. But at the same time with material that's not so good, you have to be more inventive, because no thought has been applied to it.
I feel like I've made good friends with people I've worked with, but in terms of lasting inspiration, it is probably Matthew Vaughn who directed 'Kingsman' who's been really supportive, loyal to me, and been a really good person to work with.
To do business with a friend is difficult. The business itself is so stressful, so if you're havin' a bad day you can easily take it out on somebody, and then you takin' it out on somebody can easily turn into a blowup. It's weird, because you might really get to know a person by doin' business with them, then you probably decide you don't even wanna be around them, and that can really launch it off.
Really, I've been set up for a good position where Duke is setting me up for a lot of exposure, and it's part of my responsibility to show up for them because the team that we have, I play a really vital role.
I work hard, and managing an inventory-based business can be extremely stressful. The upside is that, as long as I get my job done, I can take time off pretty much any time I want.
I know a lot of really good actors - tons, just tons - who I still don't know why they don't work all the time because they're that good. It's just a weird business, and I know a lot of actors who shouldn't be working, but they work all the time.
My dad has always just had a lot of faith in me as an artist and as a person, and he doesn't really dispense with a lot of advice when it comes to the music. He's taught me a lot over the years, but when I was taking on this project he's really hands-off about that. He just appreciates what I've done and is very supportive, and of course really proud.
In the record business, if you sign an artist that don't really know too much about the business, you can really get over on them in a lot of different ways, so it's a lot of people that don't give artist the game because they're trying to make the most money in the fastest way off their artists.
Marriage is a really scary thing. I'm excited about it. I know it's not a mistake, it's the absolute right thing to do. I'm really happy about it. I really, really love my fiancee. We're good friends and I think it's going to work. But that's just the point - it's going to take work. It does make me feel vulnerable to be like, wow, I'm committed to this person for the rest of my life.
Hallmark has been really, really good to me. It is very much like a family. I'm friends with producers here, not because 'maybe if I befriend this person they'll give me a job,' but because they're good humans and we became friends in the process of working together.
That's what Letterman did. He mocked everything and everyone in show business, even though he was at the top of show business. He was in it but not really of it, and that's one thing I came to love about him. I mean, you can't sit there and interview Cher and pretend you're not in show business, but he managed to pull it off somehow.
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