A Quote by M.I.A.

You have to constantly redefine who you are. — © M.I.A.
You have to constantly redefine who you are.

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With every new social network, smartphone feature, and digital diversion, innovation-driven consumer companies must constantly redefine their categories and, in some cases, redefine themselves to ensure they remain both relevant and differentiated in the minds of consumers.
I'm constantly trying to redefine what being a beauty queen is.
People always say to me, 'You've really strived to redefine retail.' But the reality is, I wanted to redefine magazines.
Gay people who want to marry have no desire to redefine marriage in any way. When women got the right to vote, it did not redefine voting.
It seems particularly ironic that a church that at one stage, a long time ago, fought to redefine marriage should now be so opposed to these attempts to redefine marriage.
If we can redefine marriage as between two men or two women or any other way based on social pressures as opposed to between a man and a woman, we will continue to redefine it in any way that we wish, which is a slippery slope with a disastrous ending, as witnessed in the dramatic fall of the Roman Empire.
We must redefine the word food, or we must redefine the word cannibal.
We have to give people the freedom to choose lifestyles and material satisfactions that suit their needs, and we have to redefine need itself. We can't redefine need among ghetto people by telling them we should all give up our TV sets or automobiles: we have to tell them there's enough to go around, now let's talk about using it sensibly.
When women got the vote, they did not redefine voting. When African-Americans got the right to sit at a lunch counter alongside white people, they did not redefine eating out. They were simply invited to the table. That is all we want to do; we have no desire to change marriage. We want to be entitled to not only the same privileges but the same responsibilities as straight people.
The left is constantly attacking. They're constantly accusing. They're constantly alleging. They're trying to drive Donald Trump out of office. They are conducting a silent coup that is actually making a lot of noise.
We're not always in the position that we want to be at. We're constantly growing, we're constantly making mistakes, we're constantly trying to express ourselves and trying to actualize our dreams.
It is only those who are in constant revolt that discover what is true, not the man who conforms, who follows some tradition. It is only when you are constantly inquiring, constantly observing, constantly learning, that you find truth, God, or love.
My attention is constantly being caught! I'm constantly learning, constantly becoming fascinated by new things - I'm lucky that I read incredibly quickly and absorb a lot of information easily, because otherwise I don't think I'd ever get my head out of a book!
Redefine the possible.
Tocqueville talked about "ceaseless agitation," citizens constantly use their institutions, constantly challenging them, constantly insisting upon their rights. It's also individuals taking responsibility for other individuals, recognition that no democracy works if they're weaklings.
If we do not redefine manhood, war is inevitable.
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