A Quote by Michael Bassey

It is good to stay in a peaceful poverty than to stay in a painful wealth. — © Michael Bassey
It is good to stay in a peaceful poverty than to stay in a painful wealth.
Are you experiencing restlessness? Stay! Are fear and loathing out of control? Stay! Aching knees and throbbing back? Stay! What's for lunch? Stay! I can't stand this another minute! Stay!
Stay hungry, stay young, stay foolish, stay curious, and above all, stay humble because just when you think you got all the answers, is the moment when some bitter twist of fate in the universe will remind you that you very much don't.
I'm going to stay in the gym, stay watching film, stay focused, stay being an all around professional.
I know, people have had different things to say about Marvel, about how creatively free they are or not free they are, but for me, the rule has always just been stay as good as I can possibly be, and stay one step ahead of the curve, and stay unique, and stay myself. And they seem to like that.
Stay neurotic. Stay frustrated. Stay emotional. Stay excited. Your life is happening.
Ridiculous as our market volatility might seem to an intelligent Martian, it is our reality and everyone loves to trot out the 'quote' attributed to Keynes (but never documented): 'The market can stay irrational longer than the investor can stay solvent.' For us agents, he might better have said 'The market can stay irrational longer than the client can stay patient.'
Stay because you want to be here. Stay because we would miss you. And stay because you can belong in more than one place, and one of your places is with us.
Collin Singleton could no more stay cool than a blue whale could stay skinny or Bangladesh could stay rich
It is true that so far as wealth gives time for ideal ends and exercise to ideal energies, wealth is better than poverty and ought to be chosen. But wealth does this in only a portion of the actual cases. Elsewhere the desire to gain wealth and the fear to lose it are our chief breeders of cowardice and propagators of corruption. There must be thousands of conjunctures in which a wealth-bound man must be a slave, whilst a man for whom poverty has no terrors becomes a freeman.
I wouldn't ever say if you're having tough times then there must be something wrong with you or your attitude. Life's a fight. It's a good fight of faith. I encourage people to stay up, stay hopeful, stay faith-filled.
I feel pressures to stay relevant. To stay interesting and interested. To stay at the top of my game and expand.
God is working on your problem. Stay calm. Stay sweet. Stay out of fear and keep on keeping on.
Gotta stay in the gym, stay funny, stay sharp. I just love working.
Stay excited and stay humble and good things will come.
I've just learned that you can't take this game for granted. You have to stay professional and stay focused and stay prepared to produce and continue to work hard. Nothing's given.
It's a horrible and wonderful battle with yourself, to stay calm, stay in the moment. My coach said, "Stay here, not at the target. Don't be down there." It's why they call it the Zen art.
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