A Quote by Michael Bennet

I'm not a career politician, so the ways of Washington may be a little obscure to me. — © Michael Bennet
I'm not a career politician, so the ways of Washington may be a little obscure to me.
I am an elected official, a politician who has been very successful in Washington, in city halls and state houses for my entire career. If somebody wants somebody who needs on-the-job training, then they will not be able to vote for me.
A great deal of talent is lost to the world for the want of a little courage. Every day sends to their graves a number of obscure men who have only remained obscure because their timidity has prevented them from making a first effort; and who, if they could only have been induced to begin, would in all probability have gone great lengths in the career of fame.
There's a lot of trainers in my career, between Terry Taylor and Arn Anderson, who've always told me to keep my damn feet on the ring mat, and there's just that little kid in me - I may be 45, but there's that little kid in me that, if I get a chance to do some flying, I'm gonna do it.
It's not something that defines me. I'm not a half-Indian politician or a doctor politician or a gay politician for that matter... it is part of my character, I suppose.
I don't look forward to a time when every politician, every legislator goes to Washington absolutely committed to an extreme point of view. Elected representatives are sent to Washington to compromise, not to never compromise.
We inhabit an obscure planet, in an obscure galaxy, around an obscure sun, but on the other hand, modern human society represents one of the most complex things we know.
I just lucked into this weird, little obscure cameoesque film career. I just love being a part of film history.
I may not be a polished politician, but as a lifelong farmer, I know that most problems can be solved with a little common sense.
I may be a sleeping politician. But one should know that a sleeping politician is always awake about national politics. I am not like politicians who sleep on national issues though they may be awake physically.
There's an old joke that politics is Hollywood for ugly people. An awful lot of the press coverage about Washington reads like coverage of Hollywood. Madonna is having some spat with Sean Penn. Who cares? And who cares which politician is mad at that politician?
I'm not a career politician. I spent 30 years in business. I can tell you that people in California have had it with career politicians: they are done.
Be wary of passing the judgment: obscure. To find something obscure poses no difficult, elephants and poodles find many things obscure.
Im looking for leaders who are going to go to Washington for a season, not career politicians. People who understand that the strength of America comes from the private sector, not Washington, D.C.
When I was growing up, I was the most pretentious person I have ever met. I only read obscure books and watched obscure movies and only listened to obscure music.
No man can be a politician, except he be first a historian or a traveller; for except he can see what must be, or what may be, he is no politician.
Nobody cares what any politician in Washington says.
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