A Quote by Michael Bennet

Health care is much the same - the status quo is, by all measures, failing far too many people - and we must not shrink from the challenge. — © Michael Bennet
Health care is much the same - the status quo is, by all measures, failing far too many people - and we must not shrink from the challenge.
The need to challenge the status quo is just more obvious when you're failing than when you're succeeding. But it's no less urgent.
I really think it would be cowardly to pull back and not challenge the status quo, when the status quo may not be the right way for the field to go.
We all pay too much for health care. Far too many do not go to the doctor or fill a prescription because it simply costs too much.
The American people want change. They don't want the same old health care system that's not affordable, that doesn't offer coverage to everybody, that keeps escalating in cost. And what we've seen from the Republicans is, really, a desire to have the status quo.
As a black woman, I have no particular interest in maintaining the status quo. Why would I? The status quo is harmful; the status quo is significantly racist and sexist and a whole bunch of other things that I think need to change.
Health care is the No. 1 concern of small businesses and the status quo is untenable.
Too often an institution serves to bless the majority opinion. Today when too many move to the rhythmic beat of the status quo, whoever would be a Christian must be a nonconformist.
The youth should come together to challenge the status quo. They must not give up.
There is not one, but many cures for cancer available. But they are all systematically suppressed by the ACS, the NCI, and the major oncology centres. They have too much of an interest in the status quo.
Listen, I, I did vote - I did cast a vote for health care, and I also said that I thought the process was horrible. The status quo before we passed health care was also horrible.
If you want to thrive in today's economy, you must challenge the status quo and get the financial education necessary to succeed.
Competition has never been more threatening than it is now. Innovative thinkers challenge the status quo in their organizations. They are often viewed as "troublemakers." They threaten the defenders of the status quo. So competition within an organization can also be brutal. The most effective leaders overcome "the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom" by being change agents themselves. They encourage and reward innovative thinking. I have observed that people only resist changes imposed on them by other people.
When you really make things that really challenge the status quo or challenge issues, and you do it artistically, and you do it with no fear, people are listening.
When you teach black people that they are less beautiful, less moral, less intelligent, and as a result you defer to the white supremacist status quo, you rationalize your accommodation to the status quo, you lose your fire, you become much more tied to producing foliage, what appears to be the case.
As the generalization goes about the art industry, people can be really challenging and thought-provoking in their thinking and questioning the status quo, and it's really important that the status quo can be questioned and that there are people doing that.
The label of tasteful or tasteless is so often used to silence people and to maintain the status quo. It's used to shame people for not following the commonly accepted routine, for not aligning themselves with the status quo.
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