A Quote by Michael Buble

There are a lot of people - and time does this - who are going to be severely embarrassed for their bias and intolerance. And they're going to have to live with that; that's going to be their legacy. I refuse to have that as part of my legacy.
If you live your life thinking about your legacy or what you're going to leave, you don't worry than you add another concern. Just live your life every single day, do the best you can and that's more of my motto than leaving a legacy.
I'm American. I'm eclectic. I'm going to follow my musical passions. And if people don't like it, and it hurts my legacy, I'm not going to worry about that.
We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you're going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you're going to make. Whatever legacy you're going to leave; leave your legacy!
If you're going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can't be erased.
For me, I look at the faces of my kids and I think about the future that is going to await them and whether they're going to not just have the financial resources to be prepared for the challenge, but whether they're going to have the strength and the stamina to live healthier, longer lives so that they can see their kids and grandkids. That's the legacy I hope to see, and it can have nothing to do with me and I'd be perfectly happy.
I think 'Star Trek' has a really beautiful legacy of humor, along with the more philosophical and action parts of 'Star Trek.' And so I felt pretty honored to get to keep that legacy going.
Whatever I'm going to be doing, a lot of it will be furthering this heritage, this legacy.
A legacy is a lot of times determined by how people accept your music. And sometimes people's legacy starts late or starts early, or they last a long time or a short amount of time. As a musician, I've never taken an approach of wanting to try to control that because I don't think that I can.
A lot of people think track, you just run, that's all you do. No. There's a lot of technical aspects to it as well. A sprinter is not just going to get out of the blocks and start running. You do that, you're going to get embarrassed every time.
If my life is motivated by my ambition to leave a legacy, what I'll probably leave as a legacy is ambition. But if my life is motivated by the power of the Spirit in me, if I live with the awareness of the indwelling Christ, if I allow His presence to guide my actions, to guide my motives, those sort of things. That's the only time I think we really leave a great legacy.
I would love to leave my children and grandchildren a nicer world than the one I am going to leave them. But bearing in mind that I was born in the world of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco, the legacy I leave them might not be as terrible as the legacy my parents and grandparents left to me.
I think the beautiful part about Yao is that his main legacy won't be about the game. His legacy will be about helping people. His legacy will be taking on important world causes to better his world.
When I got 'forever' tattooed on my throat, it meant that my legacy was going to live forever. So anything that I create, I do it because I believe it will live on, forever.
I was going to go back to doing the indies more often and possibly working more of a full-time schedule in Japan. If I didn't get the chance to go to WWE, that would have been a bummer to me, but I was just going to continue to do the best I could and continue my legacy.
I would be excited if we could reimagine workplaces that start from a premise that women are going to be a central part: Women are going to bear children, people are going to raise those children, and it's not going to be a nuisance - it's actually going to be understood as part of the deal.
That's part of the problem with the Republicans, where somehow they got fed into this horrible position. We're going to take care of people. But no, people don't have to have it. We're going to have great plans, they're going to be a lot less expensive than Obamacare.
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