A Quote by Michael Chandler

There are always a ton of different people to learn from and people that are pushing me to get better. — © Michael Chandler
There are always a ton of different people to learn from and people that are pushing me to get better.
It's always great when you get a lot of people pushing themselves to do better, be better, invent better, better serve, better lead customers in new directions.
People can't pay you to care. People can't teach you to care. But when you find something that you care about, you give it everything you've got. You never settle. And you are always pushing to learn and be better and support those around you. All I've tried to do in my career is care.
In Hollywood, I think I get a bad rap for being a perfectionist. It's something that's not always welcomed in Hollywood, because you're always pushing people and you're pushing yourself to be the best that you can be.
I didn't care what people thought of me, that I was getting better, pushing myself to get better. Those are the things I concentrate on. I don't concentrate on what everyone else was saying.
People mature. They learn. They get better at things. You're different when you're 45 than when you're 25.
Acting is a job you can learn a lot in. You get to play lots of different characters with different professions and different backgrounds; they come from different places than you do, so it's really fun when you're immersing yourself in that world of that person to learn about how other people's lives are.
For me, I'm always looking for opportunities to work with people who are better than me, who are more experienced than me, people from whom I can learn. And who could I learn more from than someone with an unprecedented movie star career that has spanned over thirty years whose name is Tom Cruise?
I have always tried to drive a car that was better than me, and race against people who were better than me. If you are surrounded by people who are as good as you, or not as good, how are you going to learn?
The main thing is to be yourself and not allow people to disturb you to be different, because they want you to be different. You gotta be yourself. Many times you throw a mistake due to your own personality or your own character or from interference that you get along the way then you learn, and the main thing is to learn from your mistakes and get better.
There aren't a ton of trans people in general, so in any vocation there's probably not going to be a ton of trans people. So I've been thinking about what me doing stand-up or me doing comedy means in terms of representation.
I'm never really just satisfied with where I'm at. I always just want to get better, improve more, learn as much as I can because obviously I have a lot to learn and a lot to get better at so it's all about improvement to me.
It's not like it's a competition; it's almost like mirror motivation. My twin brother's always pushing me to get better and better, and I'm doing the same thing for him.
When you get in a job, the tendency is to say, 'I've got to know it. I've got to give direction to others. I'm in this job because I'm better and smarter.' I always took a different view, that the key was to identify the people who really knew and learn from them.
I just kind of do my own thing, which has made me feel like a better player, a better pro because I'm in control of it. I don't have anybody who is pushing me to do something - I'm pushing myself.
There is an enormous inertia that prevents people from change. You must always remember that it is impossible to make something better if you don't make it different - the converse is not true, of course. You cannot make something better unless it is different. And different scares the life out of so many people.
All successful people learn that success is buried on the other side of frustration. Unfortunately, some people don't get to the other side... They allow frustration to keep them from taking the necessary actions that would support them in achieving their desire. You get through this roadblock by plowing through frustration, taking each setback as feedback you can learn from, and pushing ahead.
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