A Quote by Michael Clarke

Respecting every individual is very important. It starts with respecting elders regardless of profession. — © Michael Clarke
Respecting every individual is very important. It starts with respecting elders regardless of profession.
I would actually say to all the parents to tell their children to start respecting people. And, automatically when you start respecting people, it will give rise to give and take. Respect starts in your own house.
No self-respecting pitcher throws the same way to every batter and no self-respecting salesman makes the same pitch to every client.
I'm open to all religions. Respecting Scientology is just like respecting any other religious view.
If an election doesn't go your way, you don't get to call a do-over. Part of respecting our democracy is respecting the will of the voters.
By practicing the Five Agreements, what you are really doing is respecting everything in creation. You are respecting your dream; you are respecting everybody else's dream. If you use these tools, your effort is really for everyone, because your joy, your happiness, your peace, and your heaven are contagious. When you are happy, the people around you are happy too, and it inspires them to change their own world.
Freedom consists not in refusing to recognize anything above us, but in respecting something which is above us; for by respecting it, we raise ourselves to it, and, by our very acknowledgment, prove that we bear within ourselves what is higher, and are worthy to be on a level with it.
Telecom is a dramatic success in India and our view is, respecting the political process, and respecting the fact that these are sovereign decisions, is that, approaching India as a friend.
From getting good grades when I was growing up to finishing college to respecting my elders to the discipline that I have - everything can go back to martial arts.
Keanu Reeves learned a lot, respecting the culture. I was surprised when I first met him. He knew a lot already and he learned a lot. And also he learned Japanese. It's incredible. On the set, switching between the Japanese and English, even for us, is very hard. It's complicated. But the first time Keanu spoke in Japanese it was a very important scene between us, and more than the dialogue's meaning, I was moved. His energy for the film, completely perfect Japanese pronunciation. It was moving, surprising, respecting.
That is not respecting our democracy, using the State Department as a concierge for foreign donations, not really respecting our American democracy.
Broadcasters or politicians or writers who think that they are respecting Struggle Street, the battlers, by dumbing things down into one-line sound bites are not respecting them, they are treating them with contempt. It's our job above all in politics to tackle the big issues and to explain them.
Don't make the body fit into the clothes. It really is, it's really respecting an individual and trying to cater to that individual's needs. And I guess that's what really is important for each one of us, dealing with each other in society, is look at the person in front of you, look at the individual in front of you and treat that person as a unique individual being. And I think we get along better, not just fashion-wise, but in terms of just dealing with people day-to-day.
If we want to be respected and honored when we're older, then we must lay the groundwork by respecting and honoring the elders we meet in our lives today. How we treat them today is the way we'll be treated later.
Intolerance respecting other people's religion is toleration itself in comparison with intolerance respecting other people's art.
How scientists go about their job: and it's a process, it's a question of asking questions, respecting observation, respecting experiment, having tentative explanations and then testing them.... There is a problem sometimes with how we teach science at schools. Because we sometimes teach it as if it has been chiseled in stone.
Only idiots and infants need things. The language of needs is the native tongue of socialists, therapists, and paternalists of all sorts and is addressed to needy dependents. The language of wants is spoken by self-respecting adults and is addressed to other self-respecting adults.
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