A Quote by Michael Connelly

Artists are supposed to stay hungry. — © Michael Connelly
Artists are supposed to stay hungry.
Stay hungry, stay young, stay foolish, stay curious, and above all, stay humble because just when you think you got all the answers, is the moment when some bitter twist of fate in the universe will remind you that you very much don't.
You want to remain hungry and stay in a good place as a competitor; at the same time, you want to be confident but not cocky. You have to realize that you can lose. We have to stay hungry, because losing is the worst thing that can happen now. That's a road we don't want to go down.
Nice girls are not supposed to be hungry. They are not supposed to feed themselves or care about their own food. They're definitely not supposed to take food out of a child's mouth.
It makes utter sense to stay healthy and strong, to be as nourishing to the body as possible. Yet I would have to agree, there is in many women a 'hungry' one inside. But rather than hungry to be a certain size, shape, or height, rather than hungry to fit the stereotype; women are hungry for basic regard from the culture surrounding them. The 'hungry' one inside is longing to be treated respectfully, to be accepted and in the very least, to be met without stereotyping.
When you stay hydrated, you're not as hungry. Sometimes, when you think you're hungry, you're actually thirsty.
All artists are anarchists in some way - some more extreme than others, but it's something that I think artists are supposed to do. We're supposed to present a different angle on everything, and I certainly think it is [art] as much as poetry, in my opinion.
One of the key things I did to stay on my diet is I never allowed myself to get hungry. As soon as I got hungry, I'd eat healthy foods.
I'm very hungry and there's still a lot to do. Rather than look at what I've conquered already and say "yeah, that was the greatest so far," right now I just stay hungry and keep moving forward.
My parents are artists; in their world, in the world of modern artists, you are supposed to just go into your studio and tune everything out, and your entire relationship with your work is supposed to be a super private one. That was the way to do it and you weren't deeply truly artistic if that wasn't the way you were engaging the press.
Stay hungry, stay healthy, be a gentleman, believe strongly in yourself and go beyond limitations.
Stay hungry. Stay foolish. I've always wished that for myself.
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.
Without an adequate supply of micronutrients, not only are we less likely to sleep deeply, recover briskly from exercise, ward off sickness, and fully exploit our brainpower, we get hungry. And we stay hungry.
I have a problem with men that are supposed to be R&B artists that talk about women in a certain way, because you're supposed in the cornerstone of uplifting love in a sense.
The world today is hungry Not only for bread But hungry for love; Hungry to be wanted, Hungry to be loved.
Art is supposed to punch you in the brain, and it's supposed to stay punched.
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