A Quote by Michael Jackson

The fans don't know how much I love them so. It really can get to a hurting feeling inside due to how strong I love them all. — © Michael Jackson
The fans don't know how much I love them so. It really can get to a hurting feeling inside due to how strong I love them all.
I have the best fans. I know every artist says that but I really do. I love my fans for how much they know about me, how much they learn about me, and how much they really pay attention.
No matter how much we love someone, or think we know them, we can never know what it is like to be inside them.
You never know what's going to happen so just enjoy the moments that you have with the people you love and cherish them. Let them know that you love them and how much you appreciate them being in your life.
To Almighty God, it's not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving. Love is not measured by how much we do; love is measured by how much love we put in; how much it is hurting us in loving.
Fight scenes are hard, no matter what you do. You're trying to make it look like you're hurting someone without hurting them. It doesn't matter how big and strong the guy is that you're fighting, or how small and feeble someone is that you're fighting. You don't want to hurt them. You're working with them.
Fight scenes are hard, no matter what you do. You're trying to make it look like you're hurting someone without hurting them. It doesn't matter how big and strong the guy is that you're fighting or how small and feeble someone is that you're fighting. You don't want to hurt them. You're working with them.
I gave examples from my clinical practice of how love was not wholly a thought or feeling. I told of how that very evening there would be some man sitting at a bar in the local village, crying into his beer and sputtering to the bartender how much he loved his wife and children while at the same time he was wasting his family's money and depriving them of his attention. We recounted how this man was thinking love and feeling love--were they not real tears in his eyes?--but he was not in truth behaving with love.
Oh! you shall see how well I know how to love! I can only love; I know only how to love! With moderate faculties, we can yet do much when we center them on a single object.
If there ever is a need or if anyone's hurting, I'm the person they come to because they know what they're going to get. They know I'll pray for them. They know I'll encourage them. It's amazing that I get to be there for people. I'm sure I'll hear later on how God was working in it all, but for me, it's really about loving people well.
We are often unaware of how much we love the people around us. This is true for everyone. We may think that we love certain people, but we don't know how profoundly we love them.
Tell all the fans that I completely adore them, and tell them I say, 'Thank you so much', for their love and support; and that I miss them terribly, and hopefully I get to see them or they get to see me up on the screen soon. And send my love, definitely.
This is how it works. I love the people in my life, and I do for my friends whatever they need me to do for them, again and again, as many times as is necessary. For example, in your case you always forgot who you are and how much you're loved. So what I do for you as your friend is remind you who you are and tell you how much I love you. And this isn't any kind of burden for me, because I love who you are very much. Every time I remind you, I get to remember with you, which is my pleasure.
How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give 'em.” ? How Many, How Much by Shel Silverstein “Tell the truth, or someone will tell it for you.
I want to let fans know how much I appreciate them and how much I appreciate them showing interest in our music and me personally.
How much can we ever know about the love and pain in another's heart? How much can we hope to understand those who have suffered deeper anguish, greater deprivation, and more crushing disappointments than we ourselves have known? Even if the world's rich and powerful were to put themselves in the shoes of the rest, how much would they really understand the wretched millions suffering around them? So it is when Orhan the novelist peers into the dark corners of his poet friend's difficult and painful life: How much can he really see?
How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give 'em.
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