A Quote by Michael Jordan

So, the next time you're out working on your game and they pass you the rock, don't just take it to the hole. Take it to the next level. Don't just bend rims. Bend expectations. Let them see you and feel you and by the very virtue of your love, the truth in your game, they will hear you. Let your game speak.
We're just going to come out and play. We know that we're supposed to win all the games, but if we don't, we just have to take the next game and focus on what we did wrong in the game before and just try to do better at the next game.
You spend your entire time 24 hours a day thinking about when is the next game, and you put together the plan and that's a lot of fun. When the game's ready to go, it's just exciting to see how all your studying is going to pay off.
Basically take care of your game, and your game will speak for itself.
When people say (nice) things you take them as compliments and it's nice, but it won't help you win your next game. The thing I am trying to keep in mind is that relying on my past performance will not make me win my next game, it'll only get in my way.
The Thursday night game is by far the most difficult game to prepare for. You can't get into as much depth as you normally would in your game plan because you just don't have the time. You've got to jump right into the next opponent.
Just focus on doing what you love to do and play your best game. Get your qualities out of the pitch, enjoy your game and don't think about the other things.
I've learned that every game is different. You could play one team and have a terrible game and the next time you play them have the best game of your career.
If you ready to take your game to the next level, you gotta change that mindset.
I think that when young players really see their game rise next level, it's when practices are like competition and there's no separation there. Of course, there are adrenaline and the butterflies; you don't have that so much in practice. You want to fake yourself out and try to get them there because you want to be as close to that game mentality as you can when you step on that field every single day whether it's practice or in your backyard or down the street with your dad.
From Game A to Game B, your whole focus is on improving your team and what is the next challenge. What does the next team present? What are the solutions to the puzzle?
How dare you little jabroni come onto The Rock shows Smackdown and run your mouth about how your the game, well The Rock says, if you are the game then you quite frankly you need to go back to the drawing board cause your game absolutely sucks!
I constantly caution our teams: 'Play your game, just play your game. Eventually, if you play your game, stick to your style, class will tell in the end.' This does not mean that we will always outscore our opponent, but it does insure that we will not beat ourselves.
Let your actions always speak for you, but be forever on guard against the terrible traps of false pride and conceit that can halt your progress. The next time you are tempted to boast, just place your fist in a full pail of water, and when you remove it, the hole remaining will give you a correct measure of your importance.
I came back from my ACL injury and won MVP. So, what's a groin? What's an adductor? That's how I look at things. I feel like if you just continue to take care of your body, working out, making sure you're in shape and you stay on top of your game, you can play as long as you want.
Always keep your foes confused. If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are like to do next. Sometimes the best way to baffle them is to make moves that have no purpose, or even seem to work against you. Remember that, Sansa, when you come to play the game.” “What . . . what game?” “The only game. The game of thrones.” -(Littlefinger)
The thing about this league that I've learned is that you can't really harp too much on your last game. The next game is the most important game and you've got to prepare for that.
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