A Quote by Michael LeBoeuf

Treat your customers like lifetime partners. — © Michael LeBoeuf
Treat your customers like lifetime partners.
Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners.
You have to treat your employees like your customers. When you treat them right they will treat your outside customers right.
I've never been in the enterprise where your customers are your partners. It was always, you had customers, and you had partners.
Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers. You can buy a person's hand, but you can't buy his heart; his heart is where his enthusiasm is. You can buy his back, but you can't buy his brain. That's where his creativity is. Treat employees as volunteers just as you treat customers as volunteers, because that's what they are. They volunteer the best parts - their hearts and minds.
Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.
Share your profits with all your associates, and treat them as partners. In turn, they will treat you as a partner, and together you will all perform beyond your wildest expectations.
Profit isn't and shouldn't be the mission of business. The mission of business is to help people. To help your customers, your co-workers, your employees, and your partners. Success is not a number - it's not X dollars or Y customers - it's a measurement of VALUE.
Treat your employees like customers.
You have to treat your employees like customers
Treat your customers like they own you. Because they do.
Treat employees like partners, and they act like partners.
Don't treat your customers like a bunch of purses and wallets.
Let your customers be your partners; let your vendors be your employees. What's necessary in this transformation more than anything else is courage and a willingness to change.
Get your customers involved in your business. Make them your partners and they'll never leave you.
Your people come first, and if you treat them right, they'll treat the customers right.
You should think of your customers as partners, or better still, family.
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