A Quote by Michael Moritz

There's nothing more invigorating than being deeply involved with a small company and a young team of founders out to do something incredibly special. — © Michael Moritz
There's nothing more invigorating than being deeply involved with a small company and a young team of founders out to do something incredibly special.
I think there can be nothing more special than winning something with the shirt of your national team.
It's only by taking myself away from clutter and distraction that I can begin to hear something out of earshot and recall that listening is much more invigorating than giving voice to all the thoughts and prejudices that anyway keep me company twenty-four hours a day.
The first We Day celebration I attended was in Vancouver, and it was the most incredible experience - there is nothing more invigorating than a buzzing room of young people who are excited to change the world.
The Young Bucks are super involved with tag team wrestling in our company.
Most good founders that I know at any given time have a set of small overarching goals for the company that everybody in the company knows.
The professor leaned forward. “But there’s nothing more profound than creating something out of nothing.” Her lovely face turned fierce. “Think about it Cath. That’s what makes a god—or a mother. There’s nothing more intoxicating than creating something from nothing. Creating something from yourself.
What's more American than young people speaking their mind over things they had to create over pots and pans and electronically because music was taken out of schools? What's more American than making something out of nothing? What's more gospel than rap music?
You don't know what you need when you're a young writer. You can get small slivers of critical input, advice, comments, but if you're deep in the perplexity of your own process, as you should be, sorting it out in your own way, nothing is going to guide you more than small gestures of encouragement.
I know for my wife and I, we always loved the idea of being young parents. It is an incredibly inspiring and challenging job being a parent, and as it turns out, being young really helps you keep up.
As far as funding and building a team, you being romantically involved with your cofounder really shouldn't play a factor in how you run the company and how you create a team or find resources. It's all about the partnership.
You can't be a band and not play, and playing is so invigorating. It breathes life into you. So does creating something out of nothing.
With the premise that we look for technical co-founders to run a company, I view myself as being a coach to that technical co-founder. I can help them with their business issues, with the growth issues of taking a company from a very early stage to something much larger.
A Christian school should be a place where young men and young women go through a period of spiritual formation and development so that they come out incredibly more proficient at living out their calling than they would have been had they not gone to school.
I love writing novels, but there is something deeply invigorating about the comic-book medium.
Nothing is more pleasant for me than to be on location in the country that I love, in any of our western landscapes, being out there with a camp outfit and a film company.
Blush is really fresh and young, really invigorating. I like it more than bronzer. I think it's just a bit more lively.
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