A Quote by Michael O'Rielly

People can and do live without Internet access, and many lead very successful lives. — © Michael O'Rielly
People can and do live without Internet access, and many lead very successful lives.
For many children, the library represents their only access to books, reading, and the Internet outside of their home. If you think about how far behind a child would be without access to these fundamental tools - tools that are vital to successful employment later in life - it's a travesty.
In one sense, the Internet is like the discovery of the printing press, only it's very different. The printing press gave us access to recorded knowledge. The Internet gives us access, not just to knowledge, but to the intelligence contained in people's crania, access to the intelligence of people on a global basis.
It's time to recognise the internet as a basic human right. That means guaranteeing affordable access for all, ensuring internet packets are delivered without commercial or political discrimination, and protecting the privacy and freedom of web users regardless of where they live.
People who have a higher EQ (Emotional Quotient) lead more successful professional and personal lives, are healthier, and even live longer.
We must treat access to the Internet similar to the way we treat access to all of our utilities because in the modern world lack of Internet access means people are held back from advancing economically, and it can even put their own health at risk.
We are excited about Internet access in general. With better access to the Internet, people do more searches.
With the internet we are facing more or less a very similar story. It does offer virtually limitless access to entertainment and for many people living in extremely depressing conditions in authoritarian states, it does provide a vehicle for getting by. For many oppositional movements, the internet, while providing the opportunity to distribute information more quickly and cheaper, may have actually made their struggle more difficult in the long run.
In the Internet world, both ends essentially pay for access to the Internet system, and so the providers of access get compensated by the users at each end. My big concern is that suddenly access providers want to step in the middle and create a toll road to limit customers' ability to get access to services of their choice even though they have paid for access to the network in the first place.
The rise of a ubiquitous Internet, along with 24-hour news channels has, in some sense, had the opposite effect from what many might have hoped such free and open access to information would have had. It has instead provided free and open access, without the traditional media filters, to a barrage of disinformation.
The Internet has been great for the LGBT community. I know many older transgender people who say, 'I didn't know there was a single person like me until I was 40.' I can't imagine growing up in my teenage years without access to that information.
In the Internet age, it is inevitable that corporations and government agencies will have access to detailed information about people's lives.
I think growing up in such a small town - before cell phones, before the Internet, before Facebook, before we had access to people's interiors - there was a great deal of space between people's lives. I spent a lot of time imagining into the lives of the people I grew up with.
Google and Facebook extend internet access across the world, but the access is generally speaking to an internet that is focused on the advertisers to those sites.
Today in America many people are living in a virtual world. They enter it through an internet access device and they navigate freely around it, and those people who learn how to navigate better in that space are finding that they have better access to information about jobs and education and all the good things that our society produces.
The Internet lives where anyone can access it.
If you live in an area where there is not a good school, the internet may be the best way to get access to a lot of education material. The same is true if there is not a good doctor - the internet may be the best way to get access to health.
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