A Quote by Michel Legrand

"The more I live, the more I learn The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know" — © Michel Legrand
"The more I live, the more I learn The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know"
Abracadabra, thus we learn The more you create, the less you earn. The less you earn, the more you're given, The less you lead, the more you're driven, The more destroyed, the more they feed, The more you pay, the more they need, The more you earn, the less you keep, And now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to take If the tax-collector hasn't got it before I wake.
When you’re truly connecting with wisdom, the more you learn, the more you realize the less you know.
In the real estate business you learn more about people, and you learn more about community issues, you learn more about life, you learn more about the impact of government, probably than any other profession that I know of.
Knowledge and productivity are like compound interest. The more you know, the more you learn; the more you learn, the more you can do; the more you can do, the more the opportunity. I don`t want to give you a rate, but it is a very high rate. Given two people with exactly the same ability, the one person who manages day in and day out to get in one more hour of thinking will be tremendously more productive over a lifetime.
The more that learn to read the less learn how to make a living. That's one thing about a little education. It spoils you for actual work. The more you know the more you think somebody owes you a living.
The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn.
The more monies we spend, the less children learn; because the more machines we have there, the more gadgets, the more gimmicks, the less children have to really think - the less they have to use their innate abilities, their curiosity, their brains.
The more I learn, the less I realize I know.
The key to a better life: Complain less, appreciate more. Whine less, laugh more. Talk less, listen more. Want less, give more. Hate less, love more. Scold less, praise more. Fear less, hope more.
We live less and less, and we learn more and more. Sensibility is surrendering to intelligence.
What does labor want? We want more schoolhouses and less jails; more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact, more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures, to make manhood more noble, womanhood more beautiful, and childhood more happy and bright.
There are few things it is more important to learn than how to live on little and be therewith content: for the less we need what is without, the more leisure have we to live within.
The more we learn the more we realize how little we know.
The more you learn, if you learn it properly, the more clear you become and the more you know.
Talk less-you will automatically learn more, hear more, see more-and make fewer blunders.
I can't ask for more out of life, and the more I learn, the less I know.
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