A Quote by Michelle MacLaren

Would I like to do a feature? Absolutely. — © Michelle MacLaren
Would I like to do a feature? Absolutely.
I think Mike and I would absolutely love to do feature animation. Either another story, or it if worked out, one in the 'Avatar' world. We would be really excited.
I would love to do some type of action feature. That's my goal. A really cool, Transformers-type feature would be awesome.
When I was a kid, my pop used to take me to the double feature. He would take me - I had two brothers - and we used to go in the early '80s and check out these grindhouse movies - a double feature, sometimes a triple feature.
Working on 'Westworld' has been an incredible experience in learning to make something with the scope of a feature on a TV timeline with a budget nowhere near what you would expect for a feature film equivalent.
If I could collaborate with any artist, I would want it to be like Marvin Gaye. Someone like who they wouldn't expect me to do a feature with, like, very iconic.
I would absolutely love to wrestle Sami Zayn because he's absolutely one of my favorites to watch. I think me and his style would just work. That would definitely be a dream match of mine.
While I'm doing [writing], I don't feel it.I don't think that's a failing. I think it's just a feature. Like, a feature of oneself.
I feel like with comedy, the crazy things that happen are never serious you know? Like, rubble being poured onto you in drama would be something that's absolutely terrible, but in a comedy it's absolutely terrible but so funny.
Rearing three children is like growing a cactus, a gardenia, and a tubful of impatiens. Each needs varying amounts of water, sunlight and pruning. Were I to be absolutely fair, I would have to treat each child as if he or she were absolutely identical to the other siblings, and there would be no profit for anyone in that.
It is always the task of the intellectual to "think otherwise." This is not just a perverse idiosyncrasy. It is an absolutely essential feature of a society.
By the way, today with digital cameras and editing on your laptop, and things like that, you can make a feature film, a narrative feature film easily for $10,000.
I would like to be an actor, but I really would like to be a director of feature films. That's what I want to be when I grow up. I want to make films.
I'm absolutely terrified of heights, so maybe it's something I'd like to do in the future... although even saying it scares me! But I would absolutely love to overcome my fear of heights.
My debut feature, 'The Baby-Sitters Club,' got good reviews and made good money for what it cost. But it took me six years to get to direct my second feature. I think a guy would have had another movie out the same year.
I would not want to be Richard Simmons... right now or anytime. He seems like a nice guy, but if I had to dress like that? That would absolutely suck.
I'm a movie buff. My mom would take me to a double feature. We'd come out, go have Chinese food, and then go back into another cinema and see another double feature. I feel I'm a child of the movies.
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