A Quote by Michelle Obama

I tell this to my girls all the time: This journey we're on is a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity. — © Michelle Obama
I tell this to my girls all the time: This journey we're on is a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity.
The Democrats stand to lose even more seats in the Senate. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's certainly a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix everything that has been on our minds for 30 years. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it's not being utilized - and it isn't being utilized, sadly, because the perception is that it's House and Senate Republicans that are refusing to work with Donald Trump, that they're embarrassed of him, that they don't want Trump to become the definition of a Republican.
I think The Undertaker is, much like Brock Lesnar, a once-in-a-lifetime wrestler, a once-in-a-lifetime athlete, and a once-in-a-lifetime performer.
This Classic Rock 'n Blues Tour / Hippiefest roster promises a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see some of the best, legendary artists of our lifetime. I can't wait to be a part of it.
We've been very patient over the years but this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reset the rules for the River Murray and we're determined not to squander that opportunity.
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime.
Opportunity sometimes comes once in a lifetime.
Working with Shankar is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
I've been to the combine a couple of times since I've graduated to see the talent coming through. It's about keeping tabs on who's coming up next. I tell them "You've got to deliver. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." You've got to be sure to succeed in it.
Every man gets an opportunity once in a lifetime.
Opportunity may only come once in a lifetime.
Zero G is such a surreal experience, and something that is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
The opportunity of a lifetime must be grasped within the lifetime of that opportunity.
The Olympics are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I've worked so hard to get this far.
It was a great opportunity that I had to take - my very own theater. That comes along once in a lifetime. It doesn't even seem like 15 years ago - time sure flies by. I've really had a lot of fun with it.
To go to the White House is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In fact, the building is not that big.
I'm proud of Lord of the Rings. I think it's a once in a lifetime role, and a once in a lifetime film. It was made with so much care and passion and meticulous detail and everybody was so behind it.
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