A Quote by Michelle Rhee

I think that one thing that people are missing is that we are never going to be able to fix this country's [American] economy in the long run until we fix our public education system.
If the economy is still going forward, even at 40 miles an hour, 50 miles an hour, I think most people will stick with President Obama. I think people look at politics like they hire a plumber. I hire you to fix the bad pipe. If you fix it, I'll rehire you. If you don't fix it, I'm not going to rehire you.
If a country like Chile can fix its social security system, there is no reason a country as great as the United States... can't fix our Social Security system.
Our inner cities are almost at an all-time low, run by the Democrats for sometimes more than a hundred years, chain unbroken. So they have no jobs. They have horrible education. They have no safety or security and I say to the African-American community, what the hell do you have to lose? I will fix it. I will fix it. I will make it good. I'll bring back our jobs. We'll have good education. We'll have great safety in the inner city.
You'd be amazed how much fun you can have if you get out of your own head. The problem is that now people are only interested in themselves. What we have is a non-voting generation. That's what they should call you guys, the non-voting generation. You think you can't fix anything until you fix yourselves. Well, let me be the first to tell you, you will never fix yourselves. p.32
Seventy-five percent of the American people think our country is on the wrong track. Every poll says it. We are going to fix it and we are going to get our country back on the right track very, very quickly.
These people in the establishment have been telling us they're the ones to fix everything and everything they've tried to fix, they've botched - TARP, the recession fix such as the stimulus bill. Look at the college - college education is an impediment because of how much it costs. A college education is no longer a step up.
I think if we don't fix the economy and if we don't fix foreign policy, we won't have the luxury of dealing with domestic issues that may be important to Christians but we have to understand that in my view, we've taken our eyes off the ball a bit.
We're not going to fix government until we fix citizenship.
We have hearing aids in order to fix our ears. We have lasik surgery in order to fix our eyes. People ... you can't fix stupid!
Until we reform our laws and until we fix the excesses of these old policies that we inherited in the post-9/11 era, we're not going to be able to put the security back in the NSA.
I will reform our broken visa system. Nearly half of the people in this country illegally came here on legal visas and simply never left. We need to fix that.
Refinancing won't fix everything that's broken with our [American] higher education system. We've got to bring down the cost of college. And we need more accountability for how schools spend federal dollars.
My dad is an amazing human being. He - just a hard worker. Just that thing you think about with, like, just anyone who comes this country - that's my dad. He can do anything. Not just at work - comes home, he can cook, he can clean, fix the toilet, fix the car. He learned all these jobs just so he'd never have to pay another man.
Nobody's going to fix the world for us, but working together, making use of technological innovations and human communities alike, we might just be able to fix it ourselves.
The solution to the nation's problems, depends on the true American achievers. It's people like you, playing by the rules and celebrating and continuing to remind people of the traditions and institutions that made this country great, who can re-create a society that is great once more. It's only by doing the right thing that this country is going to fix itself and survive.
The best thing for the American public is that we do our job. That Washington changes. That the Senate and the House get together and fix their differences and find common ground.
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